Parish Notices Sunday 30th September 2018

The Rector writes ’I am so excited to see who has won our tallest Sunflower competition this year! The seeds were given out on Rogation Sunday back in May and the winner will be announced during the Service. Well done to all the boys & girls who grew their flowers this year (and to the adult ‘helpers’). Thank you to our Preacher Keith Roberts who has come to speak to us today. It is great to have him back to his ‘home’ church and we will have to make a habit of it (but don’t tell the Archdeacon!).  Don’t forget our Harvest Supper is this Saturday at 7:30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall and then next Sunday at 11:15 in St John’s church we will gather again for our final Harvest Celebration!  The money from our Harvest Collections this year will go to Christian Aid for their Philippines Typhoon Mangkhut Appeal and our produce to local Meals on Wheels.’


All babies, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome to come along with their mum, dad, grandparent,carer for playtime and chat with a cup of coffee and a biscuit.

NO CHARGE. Every Monday (except Bank Holidays) from 10 – 12 at the Parish Hall in St. Mary’s Churchyard, Carrigaline.



Millie Kingston is co-ordinating the dishes (Salads/Dessert) for the Harvest Supper this Saturday 6th October so please let her know whether you can bring dessert or salad so we get the balance right!  Contact her at 086-8091443.

Please contact Joy Keefe (087 2559844) or Henry Forbes (087 2035000) if you still need Harvest Supper tickets.

Huge thank you to all who contributed produce or helped decorating the church for Harvest.

GRIEF & LOSS SUPPORT PROGRAMME An 8 Week course starting Monday 8th October till Monday 26th November (8pm-10pm) at the Parish Centre, Our Lady & St John’s Church. Further information and registration, please contact Ber 021-4371109 before Friday 5th October.

Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on Wednesday 3rd of October at 7:20pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. For more information see or call their Information Line on 085 2888 888.

Staying mentally fit in later life.

A talk by Dr Rosarie Crowley Clinical Psychologist HSE. Tuesday 2nd October at 11.00am in Carrigaline Library.



1st Oct            Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.

1st  Oct            Grandparents Day in St Mary’s School 12 noon

1st Oct           Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

3rd Oct           Holy Communion 10:30am   St Mary’s Church

6th Oct          Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall

7th Oct          United Harvest Service 11:15am St John’s Church

Preacher : The Revd Edwin Hunter


Random Notes  No. CCLXXXVI


Transcribed beneath are a small collection of interesting extracts from the book of minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry, covering the period from 1927 to 1939.

1927, April 18th,     ‘Proposed by D.H. Young and seconded by H.W.B. Roberts that a suitable gown be procured for the sexton to be worn by him during Divine Service in the Church.’

1932, March 29th,     ‘Capt. Newenham & other members of the vestry complained of the great cold in the Church during service. That the fires were not lighted early enough before service the Church Wardens were asked to interview the Sexton & have the matter put right.’

1933, April 18th,     ‘Proposed by R.H. Dorman & seconded by H. French that Mr. Roberts be asked to examine spire of Church as to the leakage in same…’

1934, April 3rd,      ‘The cost of repairs to Church spire was £16.19.3. £9.6.6 of this amount was raised by special contributions; the balance of £7.12.9 was paid out of Church expenses fund.

‘The total cost of repairs to Church including panels in chancel, gallery stairs, amounted to £18.16.9’

1936, July 3rd,     The following resolution was proposed by R.H. Dorman, seconded by H.W.B. Roberts & passed, that out of the sum of £25 in Cork Savings Bank, the sum of approximately £12 be spent on removal of old stain on pulpit and Chance rails, and polishing of same, and on painting Church doors, L. Palliser (Crosshaven) to be engaged for the work.’

1939, April 11th,     ‘The Rector asked the acceptance by the vestry of a collecting plate for Carrigaline Church to be presented by Mrs. W. Hosford in memory of her nephew,    Kingston. Mr. Dorman proposed the acceptance and gratitude of the vestry to Mrs. Hosford, seconded by Miss Roberts, and passed unanimously.’

1939, May 14th, ’We the members of the Carrigaline Select Vestry have learnt with deep regret of the death of our Hon. Sec., Mr. D.H. Young. His general personality and sound advice will be greatly missed at our councils. For over fifty years he has been the vestry, and has always taken a deep interest in the affairs of this Parish. As long as he was able he was a constant attendant at the services of the Church, and when impaired health prevented him doing so, was always eager to know of every activity. We shall greatly miss him, and we desire to express to his family our very deepest sympathy in their loss.’





Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on October 1, 2018

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