Parish Notices Sunday 3rd June 2018

The Rector writes  The Junior and Leaving Certificate examinations begin this Wednesday 6th . We hold all of our young people sitting these exams in our prayers and as in previous years I will have the subject timetables with a special candle lit at each Service during the exam period. I found a lovely prayer online from Veritas which you might like to use at home when thinking of all the students undergoing our state examinations:

Lord, pour out your Spirit of Wisdom on these students:
help them to remain calm,  to attend carefully to the questions asked,  to think clearly,  to remember
accurately and to express themselves well.

Grant that they may reflect on the best of the work they have done and the best of the teaching they have received.  Accept their best efforts in these exams and in the great test of life on earth.  May your love be upon them, O Lord, as they place all their trust in you.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN’


The Alzheimer Society of Ireland would like to thank everyone who supported the recent Alzheimer’s Tea Day in the home of Sheila Green. A donation of 160 euro was gratefully received. Please see the full letter on the Noticeboard in the Parish Hall.

WANTED: Old camcorders for parish media streaming project. Must switch on and show picture but neither tape nor battery needs to be working. If you are willing to donate one please contact Simon at (086) 083-0639 or Thank you!

STROLLING THROUGH ULYSSES Friday 15th June at 11.00am in the Carrigaline Library – Strolling Through Ulysses is a one-man show that tells the fun-filled story of Bloomsday – June 16th 1904 – the iconic day around which James Joyce’s Ulysses is based.  Written and performed by Robert Gogan, Strolling Through Ulysses! guides you through the curious events and quirky characters of Ulysses, in a humorous, entertaining and informative manner.

ANAM CARA CORK, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 6th of June from 19:30 to 21:00 in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.  For more information see or call ourInformation Line on 085 2888 888.

CFSC Care & Repair Service is a Free DIY Service for older people. Our volunteers carry out small/minor DIY jobs for older people who find it difficult to do themselves.  Please note we do not cut grass as this is an ongoing job. For more information please contact Carrigaline Family Support Centre on 021-4919299.

CORK AUTISM CONFERENCE 2018 –  Re-Thinking Autism –

A Positive and Integrative Approach, Sunday September 30th, Rochestown Park Hotel, Douglas Cork. Open to Parents,Families, Caregivers, Adults with ASD, Employers, Educators,Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism and aspergers syndrome. More info here: or call 089 239 8900

Holiday Club

We  will join again with Crosshaven for our Summer Holiday Club . This year’s Club is called ‘The Big Top’ and will be in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School Carrigaline from  Monday 16th July to Friday 20th July. Application Forms are now available in the Parish Office or from the Rector.







9th June        Diocesan Synod in the Airport Hotel

10th June      Sunday Club Prize Giving during 11am Service

Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church

11th June      Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon  Parish Hall                                                                                             Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall

14th June      Friendship Club 11am Rectory

22nd June      Parish BBQ 7:30pm in the Rectory Garden

26th June       6th Class Graduation Service 11am St Mary’s

16-20 July      Summer Holiday Club


Random Notes          No. CCLXXI

Transcribed beneath are a random selection of entries extracted in September, 2014 from the earliest known register of the parish of Carrigaline, ‘Carrigaline Combined Register; Baptisms, 1724-56 & Marriages 1726-92, with minutes of Select Vestry, 1722-1792’,  now, alas,  no longer in the care of the parish, having been sent to the Representative Church Library in Braemar Park, Churchtown, Dublin, c.1985. It will be noted that the Church gates appear to have been a matter of much importance to the vestry of the day!

1730, February 11th,  ‘Mary the daughter of Mr. Thomas Spires & Mary his wife was baptized Feb.11th 1730’

1745, March 6th,  ‘Ralph Westropp, Doctr. Of Physick marryed to Mary Busteed of Meadstown, Mar. 6 1745’

1753, August 19th,  Edward, son of Captain Edward Farmar & his wife privately baptized April 21 1753, rec’d August 19 1753’

1757, Tuesday, 19th April, ‘to the Church gate,   2:1: 6’

176-, ‘James Morrison of Brookfield, Church warden’

1763, Tuesday, 9th April,  ‘To 3 staples, new latch & mending the bar of ye gates, 2: 9’

1769, Tuesday, 28th March, ‘Boards for making the Church yd. gate & the carriage of  them,  1:9:1’

‘To Smiths work on said gate,                                           13: 2 ½’

‘To Sawing the Boards & making sd gate,                      1: 5: 3’

‘To Otways Bill for Nails,                                                   3: 11 ½’

‘To Mullins Bill for painting,                                             7: 7’

‘To Remond Barry, mason for cut stone for sd. gate,      3: 9 ½’

‘To a Lock & hinges for the door of the gate of ye gate,  4: 3: 6’

‘To Spearman, smith for altering the hinge of ye gate,    2; 8 ½’

1770, ‘Tuesday easter’, 17th April,

‘To mending the Hinges of the gate of Church yd, 1: 5’

1770, Tuesday, 24th April,

‘To Earls for refreshing the King’s arms, 1: 5: 10

To a padlock for the gate of the Church yd. 1:1’

1783, April 28th,   ‘At a Vestry held in the Vestry room of Carrigaline on Tuesday the 28th April, being Easter Tuesday’ it was agreed to expend ‘two guineas for a new gate for the Churchyard’






Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 6, 2018

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