Parish Notices Sunday 6th October 2019

The Rector writes ‘ Our second United Harvest Thanksgiving Service today (and hopefully we all had a great night at the Harvest Supper?).

The recipient of our Harvest collections this year is IJM, the International Justice Ministry, whose work involves discovering and freeing modern day slaves. According to their findings, there are over 40 million ‘slaves’ worldwide and human trafficking generates 150 billion  dollars annually! And of course, it is always the poor and weak who are preyed upon.  Their website IJM.ORG will tell you more about their work but it is very much needed in our inequal world.

The produce decorating both churches is given to local charities, Penny Dinners in Cork and Meals on Wheels in Monkstown.  Thank you to everyone who donated and decorated. It was spectacular as always! ‘

Christian Aid  2020 Calendars now available from John Sweeney in Monkstown. 10 euro each. A great way to support this worthy                    organisation!

Annual Service of Remembrance for CUMH Cork University Maternity Hospital takes place on Friday 11 October at 7:30pm at the Sacred Heart Church, Western Road, Cork.

Mother’s Union. Wednesday 16th October at 8pm in the Parish Hall. Painting Demonstration by Dorothee Roberts. Coastal Scene in Acrylics.

The Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline,  will hold their annual decorative show on Monday 21 October at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. “Autumn Glam” demonstration will be given by Melanie Harris AOIFA. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.

Cork Mental Health and Wellbeing Week is  on next week, 7th to 13th October.

The National Learning Network will hold a talk in Carrigaline library on Wednesday  9th at 2.30pm. The talk is on Wellness and Recovery Action Plan (WRAP),

9th Oct           Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

10th Oct          Select Vestry Meeting 8pm Rectory

                          (postponed from last week due to Storm Lorenzo)

 16th Oct Mother’s Union. 8pm Parish Hall

13th Nov Faith in Action  Information Evening 7:30pm Parish Hall

22nd-24th Nov  Mother’s Union Weekend Away Garryvoe Hotel.

Random Notes CCCXVII

Who can remember the “Oakwood Cinema” in Carrigaline? The building is now a dance academy, located behind the AIB bank. It was opened in 1958 by Bobby Cogan and I have fond memories of the place in the 1970’s and 80’s.

My mother would drive me and my friends from Monkstown to see movies such as “Ghostbusters” and “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” in her Fiat 127. The evening began once the door of the car closed, and the devilment started! There was normally a woman with a wonky eye behind the old-fashioned ticket desk, and once you paid for your ticket, the balance could be spent on sweets and crisps. Then we would make our way upstairs to the gallery over the threadbare, cigarette burned, sweet smelling carpet. Those tall enough would have great delight in raising our hands, or anything else available, in front of the projector, thereby obscuring the screen! Another joy was to throw “missiles” down on unsuspecting viewers in the stalls….normally our precious sweets and crisps. Although reducing our treat supply, the real pleasure was in hearing the  reaction of those below!

On the way home, to the tune of “London Bridge”, we would all delight in our own rendition of “Rafeen Bridge is falling down”. Then home to bed with giggles and laughter in our hearts. I still don’t know what “Ghostbusters” is about…!    



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on October 7, 2019

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