Parish Notices Sunday 7th August 2016
Rector’s Holiday Arrangements
The Douglas Clergy will cover pastoral emergencies from 1st August until 15th August. Telephone 021-4891539.
The Revd Isobel Jackson will cover pastoral emergencies from 16th August until 23rd August. Telephone 021-4831236.
Sunday Services:
7th Morning Prayer, St John’s and St Mary’s : Gordon Coombes
14th Holy Communion St John’s, Morning Prayer St Mary’s : The Rt Revd Michael Mayes
21st Morning Prayer, St John’s, Holy Communion St Mary’s : The Rt Revd Michael Mayes
Wednesday Services:
3rd Holy Communion : The Revd Tony Murphy
10th Morning Prayer : Keith Roberts
17th Holy Communion : The Revd Tony Murphy
Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be environmentally friendly at the same time! For more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.
PARISH BARBECUE is on Friday 2nd September at 7.30pm in the Rectory Grounds. More details nearer the time but please keep the evening free.
CHEESE & WINE Fundraising evening Friday 19th August 6.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. at George & Joyce Gleasure’s home Raffle, Mystery Guest Proceeds to benefit Nohoval Church painting. Everyone welcome Further information please contact George 087 6819535.
COME AND SING St Fin Barre’s Cathedral will be hosting a Come and Sing Choral Evensong on Saturday 17th September. Singers from across the diocese are encouraged to support this event and allabilities are most welcome! There will be a rehearsal at 2pm and the service itself is at 5pm. Tea and coffee will be served at 4.15pm. Music will be provided and will includes John Rutter’s beautiful anthem ‘The Lord bless you and keep you’. Contact Peter Stobart at the cathedral on for more information.
1st—23rd August Rector on Annual Leave
2nd September Parish Barbecue 7.30pm Rectory Garden
25th September Blessing of the Animals Service 11am St Mary’s
8th October Harvest Supper & Dance 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall
9th October Harvest Thanksgiving Services:
11am St Mary’s Church, Preacher: The Revd John Tanner
7pm St John’s Church, Preacher: The Revd David Bowles
Random Notes CCII
In past centuries some slightly unusual death notices have appeared in newspapers, of people in the Passage West area. Here is a selection.
On June 6th 1795, Miss Alice Jones died at Passage, where she had gone for the good of her health.
On June 21st 1807, Fortune Hersen was killed on the ship “Betsy” as it arrived in Passage. He received a fatal blow with a stave during an argument about the best method of cooking fish and is buried in Marmullane churchyard.
On September 29th 1851, Richard Brown died suddenly at Passage. During an inquest, it was revealed that he had drunk 27 whiskies in the hours before his death.
On October 31st 1923, Frank Lewis died at Passage. His ship was undergoing repairs at the dockyard and at around midnight he lost his way and fell into the river while trying to locate a W.C.