Parish Notices Sunday 7th December 2014
The Rector writes ‘’This year, instead of the annual Community Carol Service in Carrigaline, there will instead be a concert ‘Carols by Candlelight’ in our sister Church of Our Lady & St John. This is being organized by the Lions Club and all proceeds will go to the Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre Project. Christine in the office has tickets (15 euro each) if you plan on attending. Unfortunately it is on the same day as our annual Nine Lessons & Carols Service in St Johns but as our Service is at 4pm and the Concert is at 8pm it will be possible to attend both (as I intend to do!)
Next year when it is again our turn to host this festive event, we will return to the format of having the Joint Carol Service as a Church Service with no admittance fee but for this year please do support the Concert if you can (obviously without missing out on our own 4pm Service!) as it is for a good cause. I will be out of the country next week visiting family in Spain and the Revd Isobel Jackson will be looking after any pastoral emergencies during my absence. Details are inside these pages and thank you to her in advance for looking after us during next week. See you on 13th.’
Please contact the Revd Isobel Jackson for any Pastoral Emergencies while the Rector is away (Monday 8th until Saturday 13th December) 021-4831236
Mother’s Union Christmas Lunch. Thursday 11th December at 1230pm in Crosshaven Royal Yacht Club. RSVP by 8th December to Hilary Dring on 0863680513. All welcome.
Carrigaline Family Support Centre need Volunteers for their Befriending Service. The service offers support in conjunction with Age Action for the elderly in our community and involves a weekly two hour visit to an elderly person in their own home who is often living alone with little or no support. If you have time to spare please contact the centre on 0214919299
Diocesan Magazine Subscriptions for 2015 are due by 31 January. The annual subscription has increased slightly to €23 to cover rising printing and publication costs. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Church Wardens.
Passage/ Glenbrook/ Monkstown “Grow It Yourself Club” will meet on Thursday 11 December at 7.30pm at Hazelhurst House, Castle Terrace. Monkstown, for an informal night with mulled wine etc. Come along to meet local gardeners. This is a free event, but seasonal party food contributions, would be greatly appreciated. all welcome. Inquiries to – 086 2405573
Dec 8th Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.
Dec 9th Monkstown Home Group 8pm. Warren-Perry’s home
Dec 10th Midweek Eucharist 10.30am St Mary’s
Dec 14th Sunday School Cake Sale in Parish Hall after 11am Service
Dec 21st 9 Lessons & Carols Service 4pm in St John’s Church
Carols by Candlelight Concert 8pm Our Lady & St John’s Church, Carrigaline
Dec 22nd Toddler Plus One Carols 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club Carols 3 – 5pm Parish Hall
Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm in St Mary’s Church
First Eucharist of the Nativity 12am St Mary’s
Dec 25th Christmas Eucharist St John’s 9.30 St Mary’s 11am
Dec 27th Christingle Workshop 10-12 Parish Hall
Dec 28th United Service, Family Eucharist 11am
Random Notes CXXII
It is no secret that Advent is our Rector’s favourite season in the liturgical year! Elaine’s fondness of Advent has made me think more about the four weeks leading up to Christmas, and understanding that it is more than just Calendars. The expectation is beautifully presented in the hymn “Hills of the North Rejoice!” which was written by Charles E Oakley. Oakley was born in 1832, became Rector of Wickwar in 1856 and later at St Paul’s, Covent Garden. He died in 1865. The popular tune “Little Cornard” was composed by Martin Shaw (1875 – 1958) and is named after a small village in Suffolk. The last verse sums it all up….
“Shout as you journey home;
songs be in every mouth!
Lo, from the north they come,
from east and west and south:
in Jesus all shall find their rest,
in him the longing earth be blessed.”