Parish Notices Sunday 8th July 2018

The Rector writes Professor John Sweeney, who presented us with our Eco Congregation award in 2014, was interviewed a while back. I think that it makes for interesting reading in our current weather conditions.

Do you think Irish people have a good understanding of climate change and what adapting as a country to climate change might entail?

I think most Irish people have a gut feeling that the way we operate today is not sustainable. But it is certainly hard to persuade them to grasp the nettle on climate change. Understandably so in the present economic situation, their priorities tend to focus on short term necessities like employment and a desire to attain a higher standard of living based on more consumption of resources such as energy. Powerful interest groups are very persuasive in convincing people that climate change either is not going to happen or that adaptation will cost the earth, or at least their cattle herd! This is a long way from the truth, and sadly the message that gets listened to at the moment is one lacking in vision and indicative of poor leadership from above. Unfortunately it may take a major climate event to change perceptions and tilt the public consensus towards meaningful adaptation policies. This has happened in the past for example with air pollution and one good thing about a small country is the speed with which it can move when public attitudes change.



Monday 9th & Wednesday 11th: 915-1215

Friday 27th: 915-1215


Open Wednesday & Friday mornings



9thJuly    Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon  Parish Hall

       Last one until September 3rd.

11th July   Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

16-20 July  Summer Holiday Club 10am-1pm Canon McCrea Hall

23rd July    Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

29th July    United Service 11:15 St Mary’s Church

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s


CFSC Care & Repair Service is a Free DIY Service for older people. Our volunteers carry out small/minor DIY jobs for older people who find it difficult to do themselves.  Please note we do not cut grass as this is an ongoing job. For more information please contact  Carrigaline Family Support Centre on 021-4919299.


We  will join again with Crosshaven for our Summer Holiday Club . This year’s Club is called ‘The Big Top’ and will be in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School Carrigaline from Monday 16th July to Friday 20th July. Application Forms are now available in the Parish Office or from the Rector.


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 9, 2018

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