Pew Sheet – 10th July 2022

Coffee Morning, Raffle and Book Sale

Saturday 23rd July 2022 Canon McCrea Hall,

St Mary’s N.S., 10:30 – 12:30

Volunteers needed

To bake, and assist on the day

and the day before

Please text/WhatsApp Michelle @ 086-083 0898 / Simon @ 086 083-0639  if you can help

(Many thanks to those who have pledged support already!)

In aid of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre

In August 2016 and May 2022, Simon Woodworth visited Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) as part of a research team from the INFANT centre based in Cork.

KCMC is a tertiary hospital with a catchment area of 15 million people. It is a large facility comparable to CUH/CUMH, with over 10,000 births per annum. Simon is working with colleagues in Cork and Moshi, Tanzania, to build a birth registry which will provide vital data on all childbirths in the region.

Using this data, the team hopes to reduce maternal and infant mortality in the region over the next few years.

This August, Simon and Seán Woodworth will return to KCMC to continue work on the project. Seán is travelling at his own expense and will be assisting with parts of the project. He will be preparing and testing mobile devices to be used by healthcare staff. He will also be making a detailed video record of how antenatal visits are carried out. With the permission of its research director, Seán is also fundraising for the hospital itself. The bulk of funds raised at this coffee morning will go to KCMC, with a small proportion of funds used to offset some of Seán’s travel costs.

The coffee morning will include a raffle on the day and a book sale. There will also be information about KCMC, Kilimanjaro, the project and Seán’s role there. Visitors to the coffee morning will get to see demos of the mobile app we plan to use to track births in the Kilimanjaro region over the next few years.

See you in Canon McCrea Hall, Saturday July 23rd, 10:30 – 12:30.

for more information on the project.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 11, 2022

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