Pew Sheet – 12th June 2022

The Rector writes ‘ Today we are having the Sunday Club Prizegiving at the 11am Service.

Congratulations to all of the young boys & girls who attended the Sunday Club during the last few months since we restarted. A huge thanks to all of the Sunday Club leaders; Tracey, Elvina and Rachel who are really very dedicated to your children!  I would encourage parents of national school age children to allow them come and join in the Sunday Club which takes place in the Parish Hall, Carrigaline at 11am each 2nd Sunday of the month. I will always try to remind the parents that this is happening in the weekly email (and if you don’t receive a weekly parish email, let me know and I will add you to the list) but for now we will have a break until September.

A final reminder to you all that there is no 9:30am Service in St John’s next Sunday 19th as we have a special speaker at the 11am Service in St Mary’s for World Refugee Week and then, the following Sunday 26th, there is no 11am Service in Carrigaline as Confirmations will be taking place at 11am in Monkstown. ‘ 

To mark World Refugee Week 2022,

The Carrigaline Welcome group of CEPT (Carrigaline Ecumenical Project Team) invite you to 

‘Healing: A Photographic Exhibition’

The Official Opening will be by our Preacher, Sr Jo McCarthy, a founder of the Cork Migrant Centre and will

take place immediately after the 11am Service next Sunday, 19th June 2022 in the Parish Hall.

Light refreshments will be served

If you can’t be there on Sunday , the Exhibition will remain open during World Refugee Week

Monday 20th –  Saturday 25th June at the following times:

10am – 12noon, 2pm to 4pm, 6pm to 8pm

World Refugee Week is a yearly world-wide event organized by the UNHCR since 1998.  This year, World Refugee Week will take place from 20 to 26 June 2022

The theme  of World Refugee week for 2022 is ‘Healing’. 

“Healing means recovering from a painful experience or situation, so that we can continue to live. No-one understands this better than those who have lost their homes and had to build new lives from scratch. We have much to learn from refugees about holding onto hope when going on seems impossible – as well as about how art, creativity and community can help us to heal”.

This exhibition has been made possible by the kind sharing of photographs by the Alrahal Family and is organized by ‘Carrigaline Welcome Project’, an initiative by the Carrigaline Ecumenical Project Team (CEPT) which is made up of members of the Parishes of Carrigaline Union and Our Lady and St. John under the guidance of Canon Elaine Murray and Father Pat Fogarty.

Why we are organizing this event :

· To mark and celebrate this special time of year when our globally diverse family is called to remember the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their homes, mostly due to    conflict in their home country, and seek sanctuary and safety in   another country.

· To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the safe arrival of the  Alrahal Family from Syria/Lebanon to our community.

· To give the family a space to share aspects of their story with the local community through a display of personal photographs that the family has given permission to use.

· To build community and share a good news story of what can be   possible when people work together and open hearts and minds to one of the world’s largest refugee crises.

· The exhibition will consist of a mounted display of printed coloured photographs in the Hall.  The photographs will include images of the family’s life from before the Syrian conflict up to their time in    Lebanon.  The images capture aspects of the family’s life, homeland, food and culture and their arrival to Ireland in June 2021.

· The images will be a mixture of sized 5 x 7 and 12 x 8 inches.        Each image will have a white board mount and a caption.

· There will be a flow to the exhibition and when visitors arrive, it will be clear what the exhibition is about through an introductory notice that can be read.

· Large Welcome Signs in English and Arabic will be visible at the    entrance to the exhibition.

· The family has contributed words of how they have felt since they arrived and these include words ‘Friendship, Relief, Safety, Lonely, Family, Brave, Hope, Optimistic’ and these words will be printed on coloured sheets in both English and Arabic and placed in and around the photographs.

· The photographs will provide an opportunity for the family to share their story in a relaxed, safe and supportive environment with the local community and all who have been involved in helping them to settle into life in Ireland.

· The exhibition will include a map of Syria in relation to Ireland. 

19th June  United Service at 11am in St Mary’s Church including the ‘Service of Light’ for our 12 Confirmation candidates. As it is World Refugee Week, our Guest Speaker is Sr Jo McCarthy from Cork Migrant Centre. 

Sr Jo will then officially open the week long Photographic Exhibition in the Parish Hall.

(see above for more details)

26th June  United Service at 11am in St John’s Church Our 12 candidates will be confirmed by the Bishop.  Please note that there will be no 11am Livestream on this day.

23rd July Parish Coffee Morning & Raffle in aid of a Tanzanian school 10:30 Canon McCrea Hall

(see  below for more details)

Random Notes CDXXVIII

 Parish Coffee Morning & Raffle

In aid of a Tanzanian school

July 23rd , 10:30am in the Canon McCrea Hall

This is my 3rd Random Notes on our Tanzania Project and definitely not my last. Early preparations for our second visit in August are now underway. This time Seán will be travelling with me. It’s a fantastic opportunity for him before he heads into Transition Year.  He will be working with me on the project, including providing assistance during planned meetings with the Tanzanian Ministry of Health in Tanzania’s capital, Dodoma. He will also be commissioning mobile devices for use by health workers on the project in the Kilimanjaro region. Also, he is planning to fundraise for a school in Moshi.

Our main fundraiser for this will be a Tanzanian-themed coffee morning and raffle in the parish hall at 10:30am on Saturday July 30th. We’ll use the money to purchase much-needed supplies for a local Tanzanian school.

Depending on how much we raise, any funds left over will be converted to Tanzanian Shillings and presented to the school directly. A small portion of the funds will be used to help defray the costs of Seán’s travel.

Photo : Same District hospital which is East of Kilimanjaro.

Any offers of support, such as cakes or raffle prizes, assistance on the day, or even just spreading the word, would be most gratefully received. We can be contacted at or More details, including exactly which school we’re supporting and how the funds will be spent, will follow in early July in my next Random Notes.    As for the project itself, we have just submitted our ethics application (lots of paperwork) and we have now got the server operational. You can find more details and updates here:


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 13, 2022

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