Pew Sheet – 14th February 2021
The Rector writes ‘ Today is St Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t let it go by without a mention! Normally in the School, we would have gathered a huge load of dry goods for Cork Penny Dinners in the ‘Love your Neighbour on St Valentine’s Day Appeal’ which has been an annual event for us since 2014 ! This strange year, this , like so many other worthy initiatives , has had to be suspended as the children are all being home-schooled plus we are not supposed to encourage gathering of any sort. …. But there is still love around and I do hope that you will use the sort of giving love modelled by St Valentine to make someone you love a little happier today. Perhaps we will try and organise a collection of dry goods etc during Harvest time for Cork Penny Dinners. Watch this space!’

If you wish to donate to Parish funds, there are many ways for you to do this .
If you’d like to post a cheque directly to the
Parish Hon. Treasurer, her address is :
Helen Arnopp, Ballea, Carrigaline, P43 HT95
If you would like to directly transfer money to the parish, or set up a standing order,
our Parish Bank account details are :
IBAN – IE47BOFI90297974081798
If you’d like to use the online facilities,
There is an iDonate page link on the parish
or a GoFundMe link on the parish facebook page ‘Carrigaline Union of Parishes’
This year, the Annual Revision of the List of Vestry Members will be online at 7:30pm Monday 1st March. Normally this would take place in the Parish Hall where the actual Vestry Register of all Vestry members who may vote at the Annual Easter Vestry is opened for examination and amendment but this is no normal year! This year we will have a Zoom Meeting where the Register will be visible on screen for anyone to examine.
If you are not already registered as a Vestry member and would like to be, or if you’re not sure whether or not you are registered, please contact the Rector who can, if necessary, send you a form to be filled in and returned before 1st March deadline .
Music Notes 14-02-21
381 God has spoken
386 Spirit of God
52 Christ whose glory fills the skies
195 Shine, Jesus, Shine
Our music and hymns today take us on a tour of the different styles of worship song in use in Christian communities today. The music before the service is a setting by Jacques Berthier of the Taizé community of the prayer ‘Bless the Lord’. There are two traditional hymns in the service. The second ‘Christ whose glory’ was written by Charles Wesley, at his poetic best in this wonderful text.
The hymn at the Gradual is set to the Scottish folk tune Skye Boat Song. This text by Margaret Old develops the theme of the Holy Spirit as the gentle bringer of blessing and guidance, symbolised by the dove which descended at Christ’s Baptism. Margaret Old was a teacher by
profession who worked for the Scripture Union in London for almost thirty years. She also served as a Sunday School teacher.
Our final hymn is a modern worship hymn by Graham Kendrick which reflects on the joy of Christ’s trans-figuration and his relationship to the Father and Holy Spirit.
Finally, the concluding voluntary is a setting for organ of an anthem by Felix Mendelssohn ‘O for the wings of a dove’.
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Random Notes CCCLXXVII
Especially during lockdown, many of us have enjoyed walks around Currabinny Woods taking in the fresh air and harbour views.
The Bronze Age burial cairn known as the Giant’s Grave dates back to 1500 BC and is believed to be the burial place of a giant called Binne.
But is Currabinny Woods haunted?
In his book “Haunted Cork”, Darren Mann tells us the following tale.
“Unsurprisingly, there are no recent reported sightings of Binne the Giant, but there have been stories of strange sounds and weird environmental effects in the woods. Late on a Tuesday in March 2007, Eoghan (pseudonym) and a group of friends wandered into the quiet woodland. They were familiar with the area, having visited many times in the past to “while away the hours”. As the sun set, the party headed back to their car. As they walked, a heavy dense fog suddenly descended, reducing their visibility. The speed at which the fog had rolled in unnerved the group, so Eoghan and his friends stepped up their pace. As they did so, heavy footsteps could be heard behind them and strange sounds echoed around the trees. They moved even faster, their speed seemingly enraging whatever followed. The noises continued to become louder and more violent until the group left the woods – the fog suddenly lifted and the sounds abruptly stopped. Were Eoghan and his friends subject to a prank which went a little too far, or did they somehow upset something else, something that wanted them out of the woods?”
We will probably never know, but there is no doubt that on that evening in March 2007, the effects of dusk closing in on the woods and a fog coming in from the sea, seriously unnerved the group.