Pew Sheet – 14th June 2020

The Rector writes  ‘At last it’s looking like we can open up our Churches again. At this time of writing, Sunday 5th July is the date and the Select Vestry are now frantically putting in place the safety measures required to open. It won’t be the same as before unfortunately and this is something that we have to face. Just as you don’t shop in the same way or visit your friends in the same way, so too going to Church will be different from before.  We will adhere to every Government advice but at least we will be back together, albeit at a safe distance. The most important thing for us to remember is that if we don’t feel well, we must not attend church. This is key.  We will be continuing the Live Streaming even after we open the church so if you don’t feel well, even a tiny bit unwell, or if you are particularly vulnerable, you should stay at home, tune into the livestream and be part of the Service from your couch, thereby not endangering yourself or any other person. Other major differences will be that there will be no gathering in groups in the Churchyard or heading over to the Parish Hall (sin sceal eile!) for coffee afterwards. Things are not going to be the same but we have all given up so much recently that we are grateful for every little step forward. I know that you all care about others enough to know that these measures are what we need to do in order to get through this awful Pandemic in a safe a way as is possible… roll on 5th July! ‘

Sieger Koder’s ‘Table Fellowship’

Music notes 14/06/2020

The offertory hymn of our streamed service today is Dear Lord and Father of mankind and has been requested by a parishioner. The melody (Repton) was written by Sir Hubert Parry (1848-1918). Parry was one of a group of composers, among them Stanford and Stainer, who were popular composers of hymns, oratorios and organ music in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Parry is remembered especially for hymns such as Jerusalem which he wrote at the request of the poet Robert Bridges for a social justice campaign gathering called ‘Fight for Right’. It was quickly taken up by the campaign for women’s suffrage which was enthusiastically supported by Parry’s wife Maude.  It has become the anthem of the British Women’s Institute and we all have heard the rousing rendition at the last night of the BBC Proms.

Dear Lord and Father of mankind sets a poem by John Whittier and the text seems especially apt for the times we are in now, especially verses four and five.

The music list for today is as follows:

Gammal Fabödpsalm : This is a Swedish folktune which has become popular as a melody for psalm singing in Sweden.

Buxtehude: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland : This is a setting of a Lutheran hymn with words by Martin Luther. This is a setting by the composer Georg Buxtehude who was a hero of J.S. Bach.

Matt Redman: Ten thousand reasons (Praise the Lord): This is a contribution from Clodagh King, a modern praise hymn.

Offertory hymn: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind.

William Boyce: Gavotte : A cheerful piece by one of the greatest early English composers to reflect the relief of entering phase one of the lockdown lift.

I will be helping to organise music for streamed services in Carrigaline over the coming weeks and would encourage any of you who sing or play an instrument to consider contributing. Please get in touch through email or phone call if you are interested and we can discuss how that might be achieved. If you have favourite hymns you would like to hear do please let me know and I will try to include them.

(Please contact the Rector for contact details for Bébhinn  )   


Random Notes CCCXLIV

Readers of Random notes may perhaps be interested to see, if not already previously aware of the existence of a most interesting website, that of the Church of Ireland’s ‘Gloine, Stained Glass in the Church of Ireland’ ( ), surveyed and compiled by David Lawrence,  in which, amongst much else of interest, there exists the above page which both illustrates and gives a brief description of the St. George and the Dragon ‘I have fought the Good Fight’ window of 1923 in St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline.

Beneath the window is engraved on a brass plate the following inscription:

‘To the Glory of God, & in loving memory of Richd, Dorman, Churchwarden of this Parish, 1723, and of the  following descendants of his who fell in the Great War, 1914-1918 Lt. Comm: T.S.L. Dorman, D.S.O., R.N.,  Capt.E.C. Dorman, Ryl. Munster Fuslrs.,  Sec.Lt. T.R.H. Dorman, Ryl. Munster Fuslrs, Capt. C.B. Partridge, Ryl. Marine L.I., Lt. G.D. Partridge, Welsh Regiment.

Also in memory of, Lt. G.D. Crooke, Suffolk Regiment.   Lt. M.G. Crooke, Warwick Regiment,   Lt. C.C. Crooke, Warwick Regiment, all of whom died on Active Service, great grandsons of the late Bernard Shaw, of Monkstown Castle, brothers of Nora J. Dorman, wife of R.H. Dorman, Churchwarden of this Parish 1923, by whom this Memorial has been erected.’ 


How to view Live Stream Services

If you are on a PC , just go to the parish website and under the top right hand corner of the screen you’ll see  ‘’Live Streaming of Services’  If you click on that you will be able to choose to view the service.  You can also google ‘Carrigaline Union of Parishes Youtube’ and click on the link to see the recorded services.  A huge thank you to Simon Woodworth for all the work he is doing to keep our online presence possible.  This pew sheet has the readings for today and the prayers of intercession. A copy of the Holy Communion Service was sent out with previous emails, if you’d like a copy just let me know.  The Church of Ireland website has all of the Book of Common Prayer online if you’d like to look at it click on the link below. .  

The sermon and the Intercessions along with the contents of the Pew Sheet are put up on the parish website on Mondays if you want to read them there. 

Parish Finances  

Some of you were asking me what to do about your giving during this time of not being able to gather in our churches. If you use envelopes, you can post it to Helen Arnopp, our Honorary Treasurer, at her address in Ballea, Carrigaline, P43 HT95 or if you’d rather set up a standing order or transfer , here are the details of our deposit bank account:

IBAN – IE47BOFI90297974081798   BIC – BOFIIE2D

There is also a GoFundMe link on the Parish Facebook page and as of this week we have  an iDonate link on our parish website and on our Facebook page (under the odd sounding  ‘Shop Now’ Button!) … it’s all very ‘hi-tech’ ! 

But there is also the ‘lo-tech’ way as well! Some parishioners have set up a jam jar at home and are putting their usual ‘Plate’ giving into the jar with the intention of passing it on to the Parish when this is all over.


Every Wednesday at 10:30am there is a Morning Prayer from the Rectory by Zoom. Contact the Rector for the link.
The Wednesday nights Zoom Gatherings are at 7:30/8pm. You can check in from 7:30pm and then we begin at 8pm. So far we have looked at paintings by Sieger Koder and now we are looking at some Poems of Patrick Kavanagh. Contact the Rector in order to join the Zoom Meeting.


…… just google ‘zoom us’ and you will be led to the Zoom site where you can follow directions to download the Zoom software on your device, then you have to register as a user, using your usual email address and picking a new Zoom password.

It is all completely free so don’t worry about costs.

Zoom software is being used everywhere at the minute and it is very user friendly. In the parish we use it now for Select Vestry meetings, I also use it daily for Morning Prayer with the other clergy in the diocese and we use it for Diocesan meetings, School Assembly, Boards of Management etc. so do try it.  

If you have any problems with installing Zoom, let me know and I will try and walk through it with you. I’m afraid we are going to be relying on it for some time yet!

God bless, Elaine

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 14, 2020

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