Pew Sheet – 19th September 2021
The Rector writes ‘Next Sunday 26th, we will finally have our parish Confirmation Service. It will be at 10am in St Mary’s Church but this year, the Service will only be for the 9 candidates and their families.
For the rest of the parish, there will be a 9am Morning Prayer in St John’s Church Monkstown and a 11:30am Morning Prayer in St Mary’s Church Carrigaline. You might keep all the candidates in your prayers over the next week as they prepare in spirit for this big day, when they will make their commitment to Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to enable them to live as Christians in the world.
The candidates are :
Abbie Daunt
Graham White
Niah Kenneally
Rachel Lynch
Sally Cole
Samantha Gash-Hickey
Sean Woodworth
Shane Packham
Hilary Dring
The Bishop will also commission Hilary as a local lay minister in the diocese. What an exciting month it has been for the Dring family!
On another, but still exciting matter, I will be installed in St Factna’s Cathedral, Roscarberry this afternoon (19th) to the Prebendary of Timoleague. You may remember this was planned way back in March 2020 and a gang of you had hoped to travel down. Unfortunately it will only be me and my family this time around but I will take lots of photos. It was very good of Dean Chris Peters to arrange the installation before he retires at the end of next month.’
Music Notes 19-09-2021
Hymns at St. Mary’s
543 Lord of the home
544 O perfect love
314 Fruitful trees
Our first hymn today was written by Albert Bayly (1901-1984) in 1947, when he was Minister of a Congregational Church in Burnley. His wife, Marjorie, expressed the need for a hymn celebrating home and family. Albert obliged by writing the hymn ‘Lord of the home’ and set it to a popular tune written by Ralph Harrison (1748-1810) named ‘Warrington’.
Bayly was a prolific writer of new hymns responding to the changes and challenges of life in the twentieth century. He was an Honorary Vice-President of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland and a director of the London Missionary Society. He left school early to train as a shipwright at the Royal Dockyard School in Portsmouth. Albert became unhappy at this trade as he found building warships presented him with a moral dilemma. He became a convinced Christian pacifist after the First World War and served with the Red Cross in a first aid unit during the Second World War. Four other hymns by Bayly appear in the Church Hymnal: 31, 33, 44, 498.
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Random Notes CCCXCV
If your super-sized pooch is convinced it’s a Chihuahua, the following poem is for you. It’s an extract from a book entitled ‘I Could Chew On This’
A collection of poems written by dogs (with a little help from Francesco Marciuliano ) The book was in the home of the late Vivienne Sharpe and her own furry companion , Simba.
A lapdog is any dog
Who wants to be really close
So stop your muffled screams
And your cracking pelvis
And just celebrate the fact
That this mastiff loves you so.