Pew Sheet – 1st May 2022
The Rector writes ‘The Bishop has asked that we, along with all parishes and chaplaincies in the diocese, have a special closing liturgy at all of our Services today 1st May. This liturgy marks in our churches the conclusion of the octave of commemoration of the Bandon Valley Killings.
The Bishop says ‘In asking you to do this, I am conscious that this will be an act of prayerful solidarity with, principally, the parishes of the Rural Deanery of Mid West Cork to mark the conclusion of this octave of commemoration of the Bandon Valley Killings, and also with descendants of those who died or left, wherever they now are, in this Diocese or beyond.’
Our President, Michael D. Higgins tweeted earlier this week
President Higgins has welcomed @DrPaulColton’s series of pastoral visits this week to mark the centenary of the Bandon Valley killings. As part of a process of ethical remembrance, it is crucial that the voices of all those without exception who were impacted by events are heard’
Thank you to our Bishop who has worked tirelessly over a number of years to ensure that no-one is forgotten as we think back 100 years to our turbulent, complex past.’
Music Notes 01-05-2022
Hymns at St Mary’s
260 Christ is alive
263 Crown him with many crowns
We are delighted to welcome the Vasikvuori Upper Secondary School Chamber Choir to our church today. They have travelled from Finland to take part in the Cork International Choral Festival led by their conductor Anni-Kaisa Haukka. The trip was planned for last year but had to be cancelled because of the pandemic. The choir director Jonna Vehmanen proposed that the choir make a virtual recording as a project. They recorded ‘Song of the Fearless’ by Jussi Chydenius and the recording quickly went viral. Here is a link to the YouTube video: Song of the Fearless
The choir will sing three pieces during our service today:
Ave Maria – composed by Jonna Vehmanen
I left once, on a summer night, to go (traditional Finnish folksong) – arranged by Jonna Vehmanen
Peace – Martin Asander (based on John 14:27).
Bébhinn 087 228 5965

Sunday 8th May at 7pm in St John’s Church
Choral Evensong with commissioning of the new Select Vestry for 2022/2023
Friday 13th May 11am-12:30pm in the Parish Hall
The Friendship Club will resume at last. While we are no longer meeting in the Rectory,
we think it will be just as much fun in our newly refurbished Parish Hall.

Random Notes CDXXII
Odd Facts
The letter Q was illegal in Turkey for 85 years.
The first fatal car accident in Britain was caused by a driver going at 4 mph
The first motor insurance policy issued by Lloyds of London described the car as a ‘ship navigating on land’
The most dangerous item in the garden is the lawnmower, followed by the flowerpot.
5% of cats are allergic to humans.
You can tell if a duck has bird flu by smelling its droppings.
The inventor of rollerskates first demonstrated them by hurling into a party while playing the violin. Unfortunately, he ended up crashing into a huge mirror.
When threatened, a limpet can run away at a speed of two inches an hour.
Ancient Greeks proclaimed their love for a woman by throwing an apple at her.
8 million years ago, guinea pigs were the size of cows.