Pew Sheet – 2nd October 2022
The Rector writes‘ Thank you to the Revd Canon Andrew Orr for coming to speak to us today, especially as Andrew is such a busy man. He is the chair of Eco Congregation Ireland as well as being the Priest-in-Charge of Youghal Union of parishes AND the Chaplain in Midleton College… a busy man! Andrew’s wife is the Very Revd Susan Green, the Dean of Cloyne, who is currently acting Priest-in-Charge in the parish of Cobh & Glanmire so you could say that between them they are looking after the whole of East Cork!’
Music Notes 02-10-2022
Hymns at St Mary’s
37 Come, ye thankful people
39 For the fruits of his creation
32 How Great Thou Art
47 We plough the fields and scatter
Our third hymn today was voted the most popular hymn in Britain in a BBC poll in the year 2000. It has an interesting history with some resonances for world events today.
The poem is a Swedish one written in 1885 by Carl Boberg.
It quickly became popular and was translated into a number of languages, including Russian. The Russian version caught the attention of Stuart Hine who heard it when he was working as a missionary in Ukraine in the 1930s. Hine decided to translate the poem into English adapting the text to reflect his experiences of nature and faith in Eastern Europe.
Published in 1950, Hine’s version quickly grew in popularity especially when it was promoted by the evangelical preacher Billy Graham.
Our parish choir joins the congregation today, and we hope many more of you will join us over the coming months.
Rehearsals take place on the third and fourth Thursdays of the month at 7.30 p.m. in the church.
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Random Notes CDXXXIII
Writing a will doesn’t have to be a dull task.
In 1897, Owen Powell of Cardiff decided to make his more interesting by putting it in verse.
“When my wife’s a widow of me bereft,
She shall inherit all I’ve left,
And when she’s finished her career,
It shall then go to my Daughters dear,
In equal shares to save all bother,
Not flesh to one and fish the other,
They are all kind and dear to me,
So no distinction shall there be. “
It certainly made a change from the usual legal jargon while still making his wishes quite clear.

Sunday 9th October
St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 3:30pm
Dr Simon Woodworth will be commissioned as Diocesan Lay reader. Also this will be the diocesan farewell to Archdeacon Adrian Wilkinson and the installation of the Very Reverend Cliff Jeffers as Chancellor. All Welcome.
St John’s Church, Monkstown 7pm
Choral Evensong the Organ’s 150th Celebration
Advance Notice
Parish Fundraising Auction in February 2023 Items required for this general, not antique only auction includes : Furniture, Pictures, Kitchen ware, Silver, Brass, Garden furniture and implements, Clocks, quality Toys, Jewellery, etc. etc.
Please do ensure that any items donated are in good order.
Contact Lesley Roberts for further details