Pew Sheet – 7th March 2021
The Rector writes ‘Today is the last day of the annual Fair Trade Fortnight. This year the theme was ‘Choose the World You Want’ and focussed on how the climate crisis makes it even more urgent that the farmers growing our food get a fairer deal and how we can help by making changes in how we spend our own money and even how we eat! With the major UN climate summit, known as COP 26, coming to Glasgow later this year, the whole Fairtrade movement is pushing hard for radical global action on climate change that delivers for farmers and workers around the world. As most of you know , Carrigaline Union became a Fair Trade Parish back in 2012. This, I think, reflects who we are as Christians and also is part of what it is to be an Eco Congregation.
This year’s theme helps us to know more about how we can stand with the people behind our everyday essentials, who urgently need to earn more in order to take on the climate crisis. check out the websites or for more info’

Random Notes CCCLXX
Emily Dickinson is my favourite poet. She was never recognised in her lifetime because the bulk of her work only came to light after her death, when her sister published her poems. On a walk with the dog yesterday, though the day was dull, I noticed a beautiful hazy light over the fields.

The photo is of daffodils near our garden shed. We didn’t plant them there but it looks like a couple of dropped bulbs dropped there and have blossomed wonderfully.
A Light exists in Spring by Emily Dickinson
A Light exists in Spring
Not present on the Year
At any other period —
When March is scarcely here
A Color stands abroad
On Solitary Fields
That Science cannot overtake
But Human Nature feels.
It waits upon the Lawn,
It shows the furthest Tree
Upon the furthest Slope you know
It almost speaks to you.
Then as Horizons step
Or Noons report away
Without the Formula of sound
It passes and we stay —
A quality of loss
Affecting our Content
As Trade had suddenly encroached
Upon a Sacrament.