Pew Sheet – 8th December 2024
The Rector writes ‘’The second Sunday of Advent, when we light the second purple candle and we remember the Prophets in our prayer.
At the 11am Service today, the Sunday Club children will read the Gospel (version in red) and will do the intercessionary prayers. Thank you to Elvina and Clodagh for preparing them for this. Hopefully this will be the pattern for most months now. The children will be at Sunday Club on 1st Sunday of the month and then will help out at the 11am All Age Service on 2nd Sunday of the month. ‘
Dates for your Diary
Monday 9th 10am Men’s Coffee Morning Carrigaline Court Hotel
Tuesday 10th 7:30pm Movie Night in the Parish Hall ‘
Sunday 22nd Fourth Sunday of Advent
11am Morning Prayer, St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline
4pm Service of Nine Lessons & Carols, St John’s Church, Monkstown
Tuesday 24th Christmas Eve
4pm Carols around the Crib Service, St Mary’s Church,
11pm First Eucharist of the Nativity, St Mary’s Church
Wednesday 25th Christmas Day
9:30am Holy Communion, St John’s Church
11am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church
Sunday 29th December The First Sunday of Christmas
11am United Christingle Service , St Mary’s Church,
Wednesday 1st The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus
10:30am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church,
Sunday 5th
9:30am Holy Communion, St John’s Church,
11am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church
Monday 6th The Epiphany
10:30am Holy Communion, St Mary’s Church
Wednesday 22nd
7:30pm Ecumenical Service for the Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity, St Mary’s Church
Thursday 23rd
5-6:30pm Confirmation Classes begin in the Parish Hall.
Saturday 25th
8pm The New Year’s Ball Canon McCrea Hall 25euros
Sunday 2nd Candlemas
9:30/11am Services as normal
5pm Service of Wholeness and Healing St Mary’s Church
Wednesday 5th
8pm First of the Zoom online talks ‘The Music of our Praise – the wonderful world of music for worship’.
Reading Workshop
If you are interested in reading the lessons in church, please do put this date in your diary.
St Mary’s Church from Saturday 18th January 2025 from 10am until 12 noon. The Rector will conduct a Workshop designed to help you understand what reading in Church really means. It is not just about getting up to the lectern each Sunday and reading aloud some text, but about proclaiming the word of God in time-honoured fashion in our Christian community. Just let the Rector know if you’d like to take part so that she can have enough booklets printed.
Other dates for your 2025 diary : our series of online talks by Bébhinn Ní Mheara ‘The Music of our Praise – the wonderful world of music for worship’. February 6th, 12th and 19th.
Confirmation classes
begin on January 23rd 2025. They will be held in the Parish Hall each Thursday from 5pm until 6:30pm. Candidates will need to get in touch with the Rector as soon as possible as it isn’t possible to join in the classes once they’ve begun
The New Year’s Ball
25th January 8pm Canon McCrea Hall St Mary’s School, Waterpark
Tickets : 25 euro
More details nearer the time but put the date in your diary now!