Pew Sheet – 8th November 2020

The Rector writes   ‘I’m delighted that some of the younger gang have yet again come up with a wonderful fund raising idea that won’t involve a breach of any level of restrictions …  Thank you all ! ‘

A tasty little earner for the Parish!
Looking for the perfect Christmas gift?  We have just the one!

 The Carrigaline Union of Parishes Cookbook: Joyful Cooking

Times are tough, so we want to spread some joy, and create a tasty little earner for the parish while doing so.   We need your recipes!    Do you have a family fool-proof recipe for biscuits or cakes?  What about a turkey recipe that was handed down through the generations? Maybe you created your own, or maybe you have a go-to Christmas recipe you are always using?  Send your recipe to or to one of our team members for inclusion in the Parish Cookbook.  If you don’t have your own recipe, you can send one you frequently use, but make sure to let us know who wrote the original recipe. If your recipe has a story or some history attached to it, make sure to let us know!   

But wait—there’s myrrh. This is going to be a full-colour cookbook.

So, if you can make the recipe, that would be even better, as we can photograph it and include a picture alongside the recipe.  Deadline for

recipes is Sunday 22nd November. Cookbooks will be on sale in December. Let us know if you would like to reserve one, or several!  Yule be in for a treat. The parishes cookbook team is Pamela Newenham, Brenda Poole, Giselle Campbell, Bianca McElroy, Mary Cowhig and Hilary Warren-Perry. 


All stand

Let us remember before God,
and commend to God’s sure keeping:  those who have died for their country;  those whom we knew, and whose memory we treasure;
and all who have lived and died
in the service of humankind.

They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

We will remember them.

Here follows The Silence.

Almighty and eternal God,
from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted,
either by death or life:
Hear our prayers and thanksgivings
for all whom we remember this day;
fulfil in them the purpose of your love;
and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Service for Remembrance Sunday, © SPCK 1968, 1984

Random Notes CCCLXV

The following tales are taken from the Book of Famous Faux Pas.

While most of us can be forgetful,  not many have a lapse of memory like the man in the first story.

“He had been invited to a party on a Thursday night in September.  He turned up, and rang the bell. His hostess answered it wearing a dressing gown and with her hair wrapped in a towel.

She stared at him in icy disbelief. I’m so sorry, he said. It must be next Thursday, do forgive me.    It was last Thursday in fact, said his hostess closing the door,  and you were there!”

The chairwoman of one particular society really should have chosen her words more carefully.

“Before my departure after giving a lecture, the chairwoman offered me a cheque. Oh no, I said, it is quite unnecessary . She then asked me if she could use it for one of the Society’s projects. When I asked her what the project was  she replied, “Oh! It’s a fund to help us get better speakers in future.”  I exited with seriously deflated ego! “  


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 9, 2020

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