Pew Sheet – 9th October 2022

Sunday 9th October
St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 3:30pm
Dr Simon Woodworth will be commissioned as Diocesan Lay reader. Also this will be the diocesan farewell to Archdeacon Adrian Wilkinson and the installation of the Very Reverend Cliff Jeffers as Chancellor. All Welcome.
St John’s Church Monkstown 7pm
Choral Evensong celebrating 150 years of the Organ in St John’s Church. All Welcome
Wednesday 19th October
Parish Hall 3pm
Mothers’ Union “Know Your Colours” a painting demo by Dorothee Roberts.
Saturday 22nd October
Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School 8pm
Whist Drive
Music Notes 09-10-2022
Hymns at St Mary’s
360 Let all the world in ev’ry corner sing
681 There is a land of pure delight
211 Immortal love
373 To God be the Glory
Our second hymn today was written by Isaac Watts (1674-1748) who is considered the father of hymn writing. Watts was one of nine children born to parents who belonged to a dissenting religious sect.
Although his father was a prosperous businessman, he spent several periods in jail during Isaac’s childhood for his nonconformist views. Isaac received a thorough classical education studying Latin, Greek, French, and Hebrew by the time he was thirteen and showing an early affinity for poetry. He later became a minister famed for his preaching, and universally loved for his gentle, unassuming personality.
We know him today as a hymn writer who expressed Biblical and theological truths in poetic, vivid language. Many of his hymns are in modern hymnals and There is a land of pure delight is considered one of his most beautiful poems.
Bébhinn 087 228 5965
Random Notes CDXXXIV
In August our streaming platform underwent a major upgrade,funded by the parish and facilitated by Peter Coughlan. Our old laptop has been replaced by a shiny new Mac Mini running the very latest version of the OBS streamer software.

This represents a significant increase in both quality and capability. We are now working on introducing a third camera so we can stream our choir and also cater for baptisms and other special occasions.
However, we have a problem in that Peter, Roger and I are stretched to our limit providing service streaming every Sunday. Roger is involved in the choir and I will be licensed as a diocesan lay reader this October 9th. We no longer have enough people to reliably offer a service every Sunday. We have been offering streamed services since March 2020, almost without fail, and it would be a huge shame to stop now.
More volunteers are needed urgently. We are hoping in the medium term to recruit from the parish youth group. However this will take a few months as the youth group is working to re-establish itself and that has to be the priority.
So a couple of people are needed now.
The good news is that our shiny new streaming system is very very easy to use, and is much less temperamental than the old system.
The OBS software starts automatically on boot up. A separate monitor for YouTube is no longer needed as everything is managed from within the OBS application itself. A new stream can be started simply by powering on the system, entering a name for the current service, and a couple of mouse clicks. While three cameras are available, only one camera is actually needed to cover the whole service so nothing need be done again until the service finishes.
However, if you are feeling confident and creative, using multiple cameras is a great way of engaging with the liturgy on a different level. Training, supervision and technical support will be offered to anyone who is interested and training itself takes no more than an hour. If you would like to get involved, please contact me on (086) 083 0639 or