Parish Notices 16-23 October 2011
A huge thank you to all who helped with the decoration of the churches for Harvest and also donated vegetables. There have been many positive comments about how much they enjoyed both services and how well the churches looked!
Please note the Parish Office will be closed next Friday 21 October. The Linksheet will be printed on the Thursday so please submit all items for it by 9.30am that morning. Thank you.
Carrigaline Union of Parishes seek a part-time temporary Office Administrator (3-4 mornings/week to cover maternity leave) from December 2011 to September 2012. Please reply in writing to Rowland Newenham (Secretary to Select Vestry), Cooleens, Church Road, Carrigaline, Co. Cork.
Mother’s Union– Joint meeting with Ardfallen ladies in St Mary’s Parish hall on Wednesday 19th October at 8pm. Simon Woodworth will be speaking on his recent trip to Malawi. Wednesday 26th October-Wave of Prayer at Clare Poole’s home at 11a.m.
Parenting evenings continue at 8pm on Thursday 28th October at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline and run the last Thursday of each month for 4 more months. The next one is entitled Teenage Communication –’On the Radar Screen’. Please contact Hilary Dring on 086-3680513 for more information.All welcome.
Holy Trinity Church, Crosshaven – a concert of ‘Music, Sacred and Profane’. Friday 21st October at 8p.m. Music by Bach, Handel, Puccini and spanning the centuries from Baroque to Jazz. Nicholas McMurry – countertenor, Ryan Morgan – tenor, Ian Sexton –piano. Tickets €10 at door. Children free. Bookings: 086 1531205.
Coffee Morning and Cake Sale in aid of Marymount hospice and The Alzheimer Society. Friday 4th November 10.30-12.30 in St Mary’s Parish Hall. All welcome.
Anois-youth conference. Kilkenny College, 29-31 October. See forms at back of church for more information!
6th Annual C.D.Y.C. Soccer Competition. The Sports Village, Eden Hall. Model Farm Road, Cork. Saturday 19th November,12.30pm-6pm. For secondary school age. Booking forms are available from Any questions contact Peter 086-3453361 or Mark 087-2720260.
Next Week 23rd October 2011 – Bishop Michael Mayes
Morning Prayer-St John’s Monkstown at 9.30a.m.
St Mary’s Carrigaline at 11a.m.