Parish Notices 17th June 2012

The Rector writes…”’The daily habit of reading something uplifting and motivating is a habit shared by many Christians, it can help put our problems and worries in perspective. Many of you have been reading the ‘Daily Bread’ for years now and really it is only when it didn’t arrive that the value of it was fully appreciated. Roger is trying to determine how many copies of this publication are required so if you have been receiving it or would like to receive it in the future, please do let him know and he will re-order them from the publisher.  We will endeavour to make sure that there won’t be a break in the distribution in the future.  In the meantime, if you have access to the internet, may I recommend WWW.SACREDSPACE.IE which has the daily readings and some inspiring words to accompany them. I found this site to be immensely nourishing during my years of working in an office environment and I still use it each morning. It helps put the right complexion on each day!’

HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome.

PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches.

INTERCESSIONS If anyone is interest in leading these, please contact the rector.

SUMMER FETE Next Saturday 23rd June. 10am to 2pm. Books, Bric-a-Brac, Plants, Country produce, Café &home baking, Toys, Bouncy Castles, Kids Entertainment and fantastic raffle! Mark this date in your diary now to ensure that this year’s event is as successful as previous years.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE At the last meeting, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs was chosen for our next gathering. A great summer read and we will chat about it in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th August.

KILKENNY CHOIR VISIT We are delighted to have the St Canice’s Cathedral Choir visiting us from Kilkenny on 24th June. They will be singing at a morning service in Crosshaven and joining with our own Monkstown Chamber Choir at a special Evensong at 5pm in St John’s Church Monkstown. Please do come along on Sunday evening to hear them. Any children who are thinking about joining the Junior Choir in September should make a special effort to come along at 5pm as there will be children in the visiting choir who would be delighted to see a congregation of their own age there.

BALLINABOY CHURCH was deconsecrated c.1963, but is still part of the Carrigaline Union of Parishes. The rector and some members of the congregation recently visited the church and graveyard near Ballinhassig. See how they got on by viewing pictures on the website under the “Gallery” page —

BISHOPS’ APPEAL A reminder to any family who still have the Lenten Bishops’ Appeal box to please return it to the Rector. Thank you.

SCHOOL BARBECUE St Mary’s School Parents’ Association Barbecue 6 – 8pm , Wednesday 27th June in the School grounds. Tickets are available from any of the Parents’ Association (10 euro per family)

INVITATION  TO WEST CORK The Revd Trevor and Oriel Lester have kindly invited the parish to join them in their Rectory in Altar, Toormore for a Barbeque at 6pm on 22nd July and then join with their parish to attend an Evensong in St Brendan’s Church Crookhaven where Elaine will be preaching the Epilogue. We will be hiring a bus so we need to know how many people are interested. Please contact the Rector.

THE SEXTONS COTTAGE in St John’s, Monkstown is being renovated during the summer months.  While works are being carried out, the entire church site will be locked from 6pm and 8am weekdays and over the weekend.  Access may be arranged by contacting the parish office or calling Jonathon Fleury on 086 2554295 or 4841383.

JUNIOR CHOIR  We hope to start up a Junior Choir who will sing and play at the All Age Service. The weekly practices in the Church Hall will begin in mid September, with a day and time to be confirmed later.  Contact the Rector or Hilary Dring if you would like to help in any way with this initiative or if your child would be interested in taking part.

TEA-TIME TREATS Mothers Union 125th anniversary recipe booklet available at the back of the church  – €4.

CHAMPIONS! Children’s Holiday Club, a joint venture between Carrigaline and Crosshaven Church of Ireland parishes, will be held in St Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline from 10am until 2pm on Wednesday 4th July. It will cost 10 euro per primary school child. The club will use the analogy of the Olympic Games to explore how Jesus ‘ran the race’ for God. Spaces are limited so please contact the rector, the Revd Elaine Murray at 087-2363100 to secure a place.

JUST FOR GIRLS A day of crafts, games, stories and much more for girls aged 5 -12 in the Ardfallen Centre on 16th June from 11.00 – 3pm.  contact Jacqui Wilkinson 087-6404724


June 23rd  Parish Fete in St Mary’s School

June 24th  Patronal Evensong in St John’s Church, 5pm with the combined choirs of Monkstown Chamber Choir                                  and the choir of St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny

June 27th St Mary’s School Parents Assoc. Barbeque 6-8pm

July 4th ‘Champions!’ children’s day of fun.

July 22nd  Barbeque at Altar, Toormore/Evensong in Crookhaven

July 29th  United Service: Choral Eucharist 10 am celebrating 180th anniversary of St John’s Church, Monkstown.

Sept 30th United Service Blessing of Animals 11 am in St Mary’.

Healing Service 7pm in St John’s.

Oct 7th      Parish Harvest Thanksgiving.

United Eucharist Service in St Mary’s 11am

United Evensong Service in St John’s 7pm

Oct 14th    Parish Confirmation Service, 11am in St Mary’s


Random Notes XVI

“The Wedding of Miss Rose to Mr Bilberry”


1. What was his manner first meeting Miss Rose?

2. What was her manner to him?

3. What did she ask for when he proposed?

4. What did her father ask Mr Bilberry when he proposed?

5. What did he declare his love for her to be?

6. What did he say to her when they parted?

7. What did she do while he was away?

8. What did she feel when he returned safely?

9. What did he give her when she lost her glove?

10. Who drew up the marriage settlement?

11. What  did Mr Bilberry wear for the last time the day before the wedding?

12. What was his object in marrying?

13. Where did they buy their furniture?

14. Did many people come to the wedding?

15. Who were the most distinguished guests?

16. With what was the village decorated?

17. What was the colour of the bridegrooms gloves?

18. What did they buy for their housemaid?

19. What did they find in the pipes?

20.What was his disposition and Christian name?

21.What did he call his mother-in-law?

22. What did she give her father-in-law when he came home late?

23. What did she practice in her housekeeping?

24. What form of entertainment did they prefer?


1.Orchid; 2. Chilly; 3.Thyme; 4. Anemone; 5. Everlasting; 6. Forget-me-not; 7. Pine; 8. Heartease; 9. A Pear; 10. Jonquil; 11. Batchelors Button; 12. Marigold; 13. Maple; 14. Flocks; 15. Lords & Ladies; 16. Flags; 17. Lavender; 18. Broom;

19. Leeks; 20. Sweet William; 21. Medlar; 22. Belears; 23. Thrift; 24. Hops

The above would appear to be an early example of a “Fireside Quiz”. These were popular in Victorian and Edwardian times and were often used for parish fundraising events. “The Wedding of Miss Rose to Mr Bilberry” was found in the

Currabinny home of the late Ms Patsy Gibson.          RE




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 18, 2012

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