Parish Notices 22nd January 2012

Subscriptions are now due for the DIOCESAN MAGAZINE. Please forward €20 to Rowland Newenham or the Parish Office.

There is  SUNDAY SCHOOL this morning in St Mary’s Church Hall but no Sunday School next week due to the All Age Service. The teachers have asked for any donations of markers, pens, colouring pencils, crayons etc that may be lying around at home. These can be handed directly to the teachers or dropped-in to the Parish Office during opening hours.

The Rector will be preaching at an Ecumenical Service in Crosshaven Church (Holy Trinity) at 7.30pm this evening. This service is part of CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK which is observed at this time every year. Father Bertie hopes some of his parishioners will join us there and the Rector hopes to see many of you there also. Next year Fr Bertie and Elaine hope to organize something locally.

PARENTING TEENS continues at 8pm on Thursday, 26th January 2012 at St Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline. The topic this month is Teenage Tension—”Boundaries and Battlefields”. Open to everyone!! For info contact Hilary Dring or call the Parish Office on 021 4374045.

Next Sunday 29th January, there will be Christian Aid envelopes in both churches for a special collection to respond prayerfully and practically to aid the victims of the recent PHILIPPINES TYPHOON.

Please support a concert S.O.S – SING OUR SONGS in aid of the RNLI in Ballinadee Church of Ireland on Friday 27th January at 8pm. The Glaslinn Ladies’ Choir (Bandon) conducted by Antoinette Baker and other soloists.

The Rector has asked that anyone who requires SAFEGUARDING TRUST training, please let her know as the deadline for nominations for training is 27th January. If you have been recently vetted, you will need to attend a full course in May 2012. However, if your last training session was more than three years ago, you will need an “update” course – date still to be determined. The Diocesan Office need to have the list of names in order to plan training sessions so please let us know if you fall in to either of these categories.

The Parish Office has received a letter from Oxfam Ireland, Cook Street, Cork requesting donations of clothing, books, accessories, dvd’s etc. This is a stark reminder of all the VOLUNTARY ORGANISTIONS in our community who appreciate and continually need our support.

Evensong has been celebrated in St John’s Church, Monkstown over the last four years; chanted and sung by Monkstown Chamber Choir. Elaine is very keen that this beautiful service is maintained, supported and encouraged. With this in mind, EVENSONG will be at 7pm on the second Sunday of EVERY month during the year—including the summer months. The next Evensong will be on Sunday 12th February.

Carrigaline Historical Society present an illustrated lecture—THE STORY OF THE TITANIC presented by Alicia St Leger. Carrigaline Community Library on Tuesday 31st January at 8pm. All Welcome.

Mid-term MAD ABOUT SCIENCE back by popular demand! Forensic Science Workshop on Sat 11th February at St Mary’s Church Hall, 10am to 1pm. €20 each. 10% discount for siblings. Check out the website:-

The Rector is starting up a THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE which sounds fancy but really only involves reading a particular book every three months. The book she has chosen for our first meeting in the Rectory on Tuesday evening 1st May is “The Lost Message of Jesus” by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann. This is an interesting, thought-provoking book rooted in good scholarship yet accessible to anyone

From Monday 23rd January, the PARISH OFFICE will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30am-1.30pm

A reminder that there is 10.30am MID-WEEK EUCHARIST in St Mary’s Church every Wednesday. All are welcome to come along. The first Wednesday Eucharist of the month will include prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union with tea and coffee afterwards.


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 20, 2012

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