Parish Notices 24th June 2012
The Rector writes…’The Parish Fete has not yet taken place at this exact moment in time so I don’t actually know whether it has been a ‘success’ or not. But really, what makes a parish event a success? Certainly it needs to make some money, otherwise it wouldn’t be called a fundraiser … but these parish events are about much more than simply raising money. The amount of people who have been involved in the planning and execution of this Fete has amazed me. People have been popping up from everywhere – producing boxes, selling raffle tickets, gathering together books, ornaments, old gifts, bric-a-brac, organising posters, manning stalls, serving tea & coffee etc. etc. and behind it all is Eddie Pierce, the project manager extraordinaire! On behalf of all of you, I want to thank Eddie and his team for their unstinting efforts in making this year’s Fete a great success (and that is even BEFORE we count the money!). These annual parish milestones are at the heart of our community so thank you all for being involved yet again ‘
HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome.
TEA & COFFEE this morning in the church hall after service.
PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches. There has been a request made for people to pray for our sisters and brothers in the nation of Nigeria. As you will have heard on the news, suicide bomb attacks recently took place on three churches in Kaduna. Please hold them in your prayers as they struggle to exist under extremely difficult conditions. As was pointed out, and those of you familiar with the Mothers’ Union in Cork will know, the diocese of Kaduna is linked with our own diocese here in Cork, which brings these difficulties closer to home for many of us.
INTERCESSIONS If anyone is interest in leading these, please contact the rector.
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE At the last meeting, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs was chosen for our next gathering. A great summer read and we will chat about it in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th August.
KILKENNY CHOIR VISIT We are delighted to have St Canice’s Cathedral Choir visiting us from Kilkenny this evening. They will be joining with our own Monkstown Chamber Choir at a special Evensong at 5pm in St John’s Church Monkstown. Please do come along this evening to hear them. Any children who are thinking about joining the Junior Choir in September should make a special effort to come along at 5pm as there will be children in the visiting choir who would be delighted to see a congregation of their own age there.
YOUTH MATTERS! If you are a young person going to Secondary School and would like to help out with the younger children at our Champions Fun Day on 4th July please contact the Rector. Also CYDC are heading back to Cape Clear for their 6th annual trip on 6th – 8th July and Summer Madness Festival is on in the Glenarm Castle from 29th June – 3rd July. Please contact Peter Coughlan for more details on either of these trips.
READING ROTAS for July to September are available at the back of the church. If you unable to read on an allocated Sunday please arrange to swop with someone else or contact the parish administrator.
SCHOOL BARBECUE St Mary’s School Parents’ Association Barbecue 6 – 8pm , this coming Wednesday 27th June in the School grounds. Tickets are available from any of the Parents’ Association (€10 per family)
INVITATION TO WEST CORK The Revd Trevor and Oriel Lester have kindly invited the parish to join them in their Rectory in Altar, Toormore for a Barbeque at 6pm on 22nd July and then join with their parish to attend an Evensong in St Brendan’s Church Crookhaven where Elaine will be preaching the Epilogue. We will be hiring a bus so we need to know how many people are interested. Please contact the Rector.
THE SEXTONS COTTAGE in St John’s, Monkstown is being renovated during the summer months. While works are being carried out, the entire church site will be locked between 6pm and 8am weekdays and over the weekend. Access may be arranged by contacting the parish office or calling Jonathon Fleury.
TEA-TIME TREATS Mothers Union 125th anniversary recipe booklet available at the back of the church – €4.
CHAMPIONS! Children’s Holiday Club, a joint venture between Carrigaline and Crosshaven Church of Ireland parishes, will be held in St Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline from 10am until 2pm on Wednesday 4th July. It will cost 10 euro per primary school child. The club will use the analogy of the Olympic Games to explore how Jesus ‘ran the race’ for God. Spaces are limited so please contact the rector, the Revd Elaine Murray to secure a place.
CHRISTIAN AID ENVELOPES can be returned to the rector, John Sweeney or any member of the select vestry.
MOTHERS UNION outing on Friday 29th June.
GERMAN STUDENT, male, 19 yrs, seeks family to stay with for 3-4 weeks in August in order to learn English. Good practical worker, willing to help out wherever he stays. Contact Hilary Dring.