Parish Notices 25 September-2 October 2011

Please remember the family of Pauline Dyde who passed away in England last week. She and her husband Keith, who was in the Church Army, were members of our parish some years ago. Do also remember the family of Harold Johnsonin your prayers as they also mourn his recent loss.

Dates for your diary

Sunday 9th October: Harvest Thanksgiving.
Sunday 16th October: Sponsored walk-Parish annual sponsored walk from St. Mary’s to Drakes pool and back. Leaving after service. Lunch served in hall after walk. This is a fun event for all ages of the parish and an opportunity to raise funds for the Carrigaline Union. Sponsor cards available from parish office or at the back of the church.

There will be a series of six parenting evenings starting at 8pm on Thursday, 29th September at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline and running the last Thursday of each month for 6 months. The first one is on 29th Sept and is entitled The Teenage Universe –’A Galaxy far, far away’ .Please contact Hilary Dring on 086-3680513 for more information.All welcome.

St Mary’s Indoor Bowls club has recommenced meeting on Tuesdays at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall, Waterpark. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin on 087-6700717.

For any student attending UCC there are brochures at the back of the church with information about their chaplaincy. For further information please contact Rev John Ardis on 4902444 or

Youth News

As we start Sunday school and senior youth club after the summer break we wish our congratulations to our young people who sat their Leaving and Junior Certs. Well done one and all.

We also wish our very best to those starting college, or starting at a new school. Especially if you are moving away from home for the first time. You will be in our prayers as you meet those new challenges in your lives.

The Senior youth club kick-started back into action on Friday night 16th September and we had a night of quizzes/games and some thought-provoking discussions! Thank you to James Fleury and Ivan Archer for all your help.

We congratulate Rachel White for her achievement in Belgium recently where she represented Ireland at an agricultural stock handlers competition. She won 1st prize in the Under-17 section and came 6th out of 90 European competitors over all. Fantastic Rachel! Well done!

Anois-youth conference. Kilkenny College, 29-31 October. See forms at back of church for more information!

6th Annual C.D.Y.C. Soccer Competition. The Sports Village, Eden Hall. Model Farm Road, Cork. Saturday 19th November,12.30pm-6pm. For secondary school age. Booking forms will be available from from the end of September. Any questions contact Peter 086-3453361 or Mark 087-2720260.

Safgeguarding Trust

It has been brought to our attention that there are many parishioners who may not be aware of Safeguarding Trust and it’s role in regard to the safety and well being of our children and young people within the Parish. So please find below information which we feel is important for you to be aware of.

Safeguarding Trust and Parish Panel

Safeguarding Trust is the Church of Ireland’s code of good practice for ministry with children. The Church of Ireland has to set standards for the welfare of all children sharing in its ministry with a view to protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. Each parish is expected to implement this code and train leaders and panel members. All workers/helpers paid or voluntary are expected to know the code. The code exists to safeguard children, young people and their leaders; it therefore has to be reasonable and practical.

The parish panel functions as a sub-committee of the select vestry with the membership nominated by the rector and appointed by the select vestry. The panel is made up of at least three people trained to implement Safeguarding Trust. Panel members should not be involved in any work with children or youth organisations at parish level. Currently the members are Rev. Isobel Jackson, Rev. Daniel Nuzum and Lou Hosford.

The purpose of the code of good practice is:

  • to create a safe environment which will promote healthy and fulfilling participation of children and young people in educational and recreational activities and minimise the possibility of harm, either deliberate or accidental.
  • to encourage safe practices for those who work with children.
  • to set out the appropriate responses and procedures in the event of abuse taking place.
  • to safeguard those who work with children from the consequences of unfounded accusations.

In following Christ’s example it is incumbent on the Christian community, to create a safe environment for children and to implement carefully a code of good practice in its ministry to children.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 25, 2011

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