Parish Notices 5th August 2012
The Rector writes… ‘Faith and prayer are so closely connected. Our faith is what we feel inside, our openness to God. Our prayer then is the outworking of this faith, you could say it is like faith made visible and tangible by our words and actions. In our prayers we try to have complete confidence in what we are praying about, even when we ourselves feel it will be impossible, we attempt to lay our worries and dreams at the feet of the God we know can do anything. It can be hard to pray but it is what we are called to do as Christians, to pray for others, to pray for ourselves, to make our faith active and alive through the words and gestures of our prayer. If you are experiencing a dry time in your prayer life, Anthony de Mello , in his book Sadhana suggests that if we don’t know exactly what to say to God, just tell God about all the events of the past day and give your comment on each of them. As he points out, this is the difference between thinking and praying. When we think, we generally talk to ourselves but when we pray, we talk to God’
HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am.
TEA & COFFEE this morning after service in St Mary’s.
PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches.
Please continue to pray for our sisters and brothers in the nation of Nigeria who struggle to exist under extremely difficult conditions. The Mothers’ Union in Cork are linked with the diocese of Kaduna
INTERCESSIONS If anyone is interest in leading these, please contact the rector.
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE At the last meeting, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs was chosen for our next gathering. A great summer read and we will chat about it in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th August.
JUNIOR CHOIR will begin on 20th September. We will meet in the Church from 6.30 to 7.30pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.
CHILDRENS FILM NIGHT. The Rector is organising a Film Night in the Church Hall from 6.30 – 9 pm on Wednesday 15th August. This event is for children in Primary School. There are permission forms at the back of the church.
CUP HOLDERS If you have borrowed any of the navy blue cup holders from the Church Hall and they are still at home, could you bring them back into the hall/office please.
TEA-TIME TREATS Mothers Union 125th anniversary recipe booklet available at the back of the church – €4.
KEY found recently on the gravel outside St Mary’s. There is a plastic cow’s head on the top of the key! Enquiries to parish office.
PALLIATIVE CARE WORKSHOP at St Luke’s Home Education Centre. 27th September in Northridge House. The focus will be on self care for the carer in the end of life setting. Contact Bruce Pierce 021 4359444.
JARS WANTED If you have some clean jars with lids (Coffee jars are particularly welcomed) please drop them in to the parish office or the rectory and the rector will make sure they are passed on to people in the parish who make jam, chutneys etc for charity events
OUR DAILY BREAD While many of you had received this magazine in the past, there was a breakdown in communications with the Publisher and now there are only 4 people in the parish who are currently on the list and they have already received the June to August copy. If you would like to subscribe to this magazine into the future, please let Roger know and he will organise it. The process is that individuals should let the Parish Office know if they want to receive copies of Our Daily Bread (printed 4 times a year). The parish administrator will then order the copies with the individuals name on it, to be delivered C/O the Rectory, St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Carrigaline Co. Cork. The individuals will put 2 Euro into the collection basket each quarter when their magazine is received. The treasurer will make a donation annually to RBC (who produce the magazine
Random Notes XXIII
It may be of some interest to readers of these notes to learn that on the evening of Thursday week last, July 26th, a highly important addition to the recorded knowledge of Carrigaline Church was published.
This most useful work entitled ‘Gravestone Inscriptions of Co. Cork, XVIII: St. Mary’s Carrigaline’ compiled by Richard Henchion, of Cork, is contained within volume 117 of the ‘Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 2012’, and contains, in addition to the transcriptions from some three hundred and forty-seven stones, with indices notes. etc., a sketch map of the Churchyard with each stone numbered and its location marked. All in all this is an extremely useful and interesting survey, and one, the production of which it is evident involved a monumental (such a poor, but irresistible pun!) and demanding amount of work. Commenced in the early 1960’s, the record was brought up to date about two years ago, and thus will be of the greatest use, not alone for parishioners, and those interested by such things, but also of course for visitors looking for the graves of their forbearers. For these purposes a copy of the journal will be kept in the Church office.
It is to be noted that the record is that of inscriptions from stones in the Churchyard, that is the walled enclosure surrounding the Church, and consequently does not include those in either of the ‘new’ graveyards to the West.
Our parish owes Dick Henchion a great deal of gratitude for all he has done, and we shall remain in his debt for that for many years to come.