Parish Notices Sunday 11th February 2018

The Rector writes ’I will be giving Christian Aid Lenten Boxes to all of the children in our parish school this year and I do have some spare boxes for any children in the parish who won’t get one from the school. Christian Aid’s Appeal this Lent is that we literally ‘Count our Blessings’ each day and journey alongside some of the most impoverished peoples of the world. For example, on one of the days in Lent, the children are asked to think about what is it like where they live, and that how, in some countries across the world many children have had to leave their homes and have lost all of their possessions because of fighting or terrible weather. Our children are then asked to count their shoes and for each pair of shoes that they own, they are asked to put 10c into their savings box.

Christian Aid also have an ’adult’ version which I hope to follow during Lent. You can ask me for a print of the Adult journey or have a look at their website yourself,’

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Joy Keefe is looking for new volunteers for bell ringing and flower rotas in St Mary’s.  Any new people would be put with an experienced person so there’s no need to be shy about expressing an interest!  Contact the Parish office or Joy Keefe 087-2559844.

FAMINE LUNCH-On Sunday 25th February, the day before Fairtrade Fortnight, there will be a Famine Lunch in aid of Mothers’ Union Overseas Fund. No charge but donations are very welcome. It will take place in St Mary’s Parish Hall at midday, following the 11am Service.



Do you want to deepen your understanding of the Christian Faith? Would you like to explore contemporary issues from a faith perspective? Would you like to gain a recognised third-level award from a major theological academy?

The Certificate in Christian Studies is an 18 month part-time course for all who wish to explore the Christian Faith. The programme provides a structured introduction toScripture, theology, church history, ethics, liturgy and ministry.

For further information brochures are available in both Churches & in the Parish Office.


CHRISTIAN AID Information evening on  Christian Aid partners work in Burundi and the Cork Diocesan Burundi Partner project. Time : 7:30pm, Venue:  Northridge House, St Luke’s Centre, Mahon Cork. Date:  Thursday 15th February. Main Speaker : Ms, Penny Senekal, Christian Aid Financial Officer in the Dublin Office who visited Burundi in 2017.

SURVIVORSHIP MEETING Survivors of childhood and adolescent cancer, their families and friends are  welcome to a survivorship meeting in the Clayton Hotel Cork City at 5.30pm on Thursday 15th February. This meeting is to discuss the health  concerns and long-term follow-up of survivors. For more information contact Patricia McColgan at 086 2532819 or


12th Feb       Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon  Parish Hall                                                                                              Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall

14th Feb       Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church

14th Feb      Ash Wednesday 10:30 & 7:30 Holy Communion in St Mary’s

16th Feb      Youth Club 7:30-9:30 Parish Hall

21st  Feb      Lenten Bible Study 8pm  Parish Hall after 7:30 Evening Prayer

23rd Feb       CAMEO Monkstown Bay Sailing Club 1030am

25th Feb      Fair Trade All Age Service 11am in St Mary’s followed by Mothers’  Union ‘Famine Lunch’ for MU Overseas Fund in the Parish Hall.

26th Feb      Annual update of the Register of Vestry People 7:30pm Parish Hall.

Random Notes No. CCLX

Transcribed beneath is a further random selection of some interesting extracts, dating from 1870, less than a year after the Irish Church Act of Disestablishment received Royal Ascent on Monday, 26th July, 1869, and less than a year before the act came into force on Saturday,1st January, 1870, taken from the vestry minute book of St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline, covering the period from 1831 to 1950.

1870, Easter Monday, 18th April,

The Appropriation of Seats.

1  Free                                                            20 Fahalea

2  Free                                                            21 Dr. Pearson

3  Free                                                            22 Mr. G.Daunt

4  Coolmore                                                   23 Ballybricken servants

5  Mr. T. Bolster                                            24 Police

6  Mr John Smyth                                          25 Free

7  Highland Cottage                                      26 Ballea servants

8  Harmonium & choir                                  27 Mr.Rounceville

9  Harmonium & choir                                  28 Aghamarta servants

10 Miss Warren                                             29 Strangers

11 Mr.T.E.Busteed & Wilson                       30 Jackson Hogan

12 Mr S. Busteed                                          31 Rector

13 Miss Rogers                                             32 Mr. R. Hayes

14 Hilltown                                                   33 Mount Rivers

15 Mr.Wm. Peare                                          34 Mr. Smyth

16 Mr. G.E. Savage                                       35 Soldiers

17 Mr. D.O’Grady                                         36 Free

18 Mr. T. Warren                                           37 Free

19 Mr. Hungerford                                         38 Free


1870, Monday, 6th June,

At a Vestry convened pursuivant to Notice given by order of the Lord Bishop of Cork, held in Carrigaline Church on Whit Monday, 6th day of June 1870 for the purpose of electing Synodsmen to attend the first Diocesan Synod in Cork on the

16th June 1870 – It was resolved that four Synodsmen be elected for the Carrigaline district of the parish, and that these be;

Captain Conner, Ballybricken, Ringaskiddy

Standish O’Grady Esq., Aghamarta Castle, Carrigaline

Ralph Westrop Esq., Ravenswood, Carrigaline

James Lane Esq., Clermont, Douglas

Also, it was moved by Standish O’Grady Esq., seconded by Thomas Warren Esq., and passed, – That we desire to express our sympathy with our brethren in Dublin in their earnest protest against the teachings of a manual of devotion entitled ‘Short prayers &c for those who have little time to pray’; and we regret that it has not met with distinct disapproval of the Bench of Bishops.’





Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 12, 2018

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