Parish Notices Sunday 13th November 2016
The Rector writes ’During the Services today (and for the next two Sundays!) we will again be filling in Census cards so thank you for your patience and I do hope it’ll all be worth it when the figures are eventually collated and then analysed by the Representative Church Body in Dublin.
May I draw your attention to the note inside this Linksheet about the Live Crib in December? This idea came from one of our parishioners a few years ago and now it is finally going to happen!. A group of parishioners have been working very hard to make it a reality and I feel that it will prove to be a most wonderful event in our wider community. As with the Passion Play on Good Friday, this will be an opportunity for us , as a Church Community, to vibrantly tell the marvellous story of our Lord Jesus Christ. In a very real sense we will be
incarnating the Word! If you can help in any way, please do. The more people who get involved the more impact it will have and indeed the more fun it’ll be! ’
LIVE CRIB As you may know preparations are underway for the presentation of our Parish Live Crib experience to be held on December 10th & 11th.
Assistants are badly needed at the moment in the area of construction and stewarding on the two days from 2-530pm.
The Nativity Pageant which is to be the focus of the day complete with live animals is also urgently in need of a cast. We are short at least six participants. No lines have to be learnt and it promises to be very enjoyable so please come forward to help in this venture. Just contact Mary Murphy for details on the Pageant on 021-4374605 and if you can help with any of the practical tasks please do contact Rowland Newenham on 087-2522541.
THE POSADA TRADITION. The Posada Form is now in the Porch of St Mary’s Church so please sign up on the day you would like to have Mary, Joseph & the Donkey come to stay overnight in your home or tell the Rector to put your name down if you are in St John’s Church. It really is very simple, you just write your name and number on the date that suits you, then the person on the list before you will ring you and arrange to deliver them to you. Then you contact the next person on the list and pass the figures on to them and in this way, we can all share in the wonder and waiting and promise of the Advent Season.
MOTHERS’ UNION-Wednesday 16th November at 3pm (note early time!). “A Time to Remember”. Bring along a photo or memento to share a memory.
Saturday 26th November from 7.30-9.30pm. 16 days Prayer Vigil. St Mary’s Church.
Monkstown Home Group will meet on Wednesday 16th November at 8pm at John Sweeney’s home – Suaimhneas, Upper Ardmore, Passage West. All most welcome – we commence a new six-session study from Christian Aid entitled ‘Fear Not Reflections‘ that cover topics across several bible books of the Old and New Testaments. In view of the Advent and Lenten Studies, the Monkstown Home Group will reconvene in early January 2017 (dates to be advised) for a couple of sessions and then after Easter for three further sessions (dates to be advised) to complete the series. We look forward to welcoming all who are interested to our evenings.
YOUTH NEWS-It’s that time of year again!!!! Get training because our 5-a-side Soccer Tournament is happening on the 19th Nov in Ringaskiddy. Booking forms are available at the back of the church or contact Peter Coughlan for more details! It’s not just for soccer players or just for guys- it’s a great chance to meet old friends and make new ones !!! Tournament starts at 1pm and finishes at 6pm! Pizzas and fun guaranteed!!
14th Nov Toddlers plus One 10am
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
16th Nov Mother’s Union 3pm Parish Hall
Monkstown Home Group 8pm John Sweeney’s home
19th Nov 5-A-Side Youth Soccer Tournament, Ringaskiddy
20th Nov Gift Day in the Rectory
18-20th Nov Mother’s Union Weekend. Celtic Ross Hotel
25th Nov CAMEO. Monkstown Bay Sailing Club. 1030am
26th Nov 16 days Prayer Vigil. 730-930pm St Marys Church
30th Nov Advent Talks : ‘Faith’ 8pm Parish Hall
3rd/4th Dec St Mary’s School Christmas Fayre in GAA Hall
7th Dec Advent Talks : ‘Hope’ 8pm Parish Hall
10th/11th Dec The Road to Bethlehem, Live Crib, St Mary’s Church
14th Dec Advent Talks : ‘Love’ 8pm Parish Hall
18th Dec Service of 9 Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s
24th Dec Carols around the Crib Service 4pm St Mary’s
Random Notes CCXI
Calls have recently been made for the opening-up of the old Queenstown Bridewell prison in Cobh. The Bridewell was opened in 1845 and closed its doors on 31st May 1895. Over the years, tens of thousands of prisoners would have been held in the building, before being transported to Spike Island and perhaps onward deportment to British colonies. A lot of military records were transferred to Southampton in 1939 after the treaty ports were freed, and these tell us that over 2,000 children were also held here, many under the age of 12.
The story of the Bridewell was forgotten for generations, until 1992. Its existence re-emerged when a “sink hole” appeared on the public road outside St Colman’s Cathedral. The council quickly covered it up. The road outside the Cathedral was extended in the early 1900’s and the top floor of the prison was demolished. However, 10 well presented cells remain intact, including a lamp and table.
The last warden was Thomas Duffy and he is buried in the old Cemetery in Cobh. His tombstone reads “In memory of Sergeant Thomas Duffy, who in his 75th year, died at the Bridewell, Queenstown. At peace with his maker. March 13th 1895, after faithfully serving his queen and country. 21 years in the XV regiment and 32 years prison warden. RIP. This stone is erected by Captain W H Rushbrooke, late XV regiment. Also his wife Mary who died April 13th 1908”