Parish Notices Sunday 14th December 2014

The Rector writes  ‘Each year, young people from our parish community receive instruction on various aspects of their faith development and over the course of 3 months or so, they prepare themselves spiritually in order to confirm the promises that were made for them at their baptism.  The classes are on Saturdays, from 6pm to 8pm in the Rectory. I will be beginning these classes on Saturday 7th February with a view to the candidates being confirmed in St John’s Church during Easter-tide (this could be any Sunday in April , May , June, the date is entirely at the Bishop’s discretion)  If you or anyone you know is interested in preparing for confirmation in 2015, then please let me know in the next few weeks. Thank you.’

This year instead of the annual Community Carol Service in Carrigaline there will instead be a  concert “Carols by Candlelight” in our sister church of Our Lady and St John. This is being organised by the Lions Club and all proceeds will go to the Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre project. Christine in the office has tickets (15euro each) if you plan on attending. Unfortunately it is on the same day as our Nine Lessons and Carols Service in St John’s but as our service is at 4pm and the concert is at 8pm it is possible to attend both!

Carrigaline Family Support Centre need Volunteers for their Befriending Service. The service offers support in conjunction with Age Action for the elderly in our community and involves a weekly two hour visit to an elderly person in their own home who is often living alone with little or no support. If you have time to spare please contact the centre on 0214919299 or email



Dec 15th     Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.

Dec 17th     Midweek Eucharist 10.30am St Mary’s

Dec 21st      9 Lessons & Carols Service 4pm in St John’s Church

Carols by Candlelight Concert 8pm Our Lady & St John’s Church, Carrigaline



Dec 22nd  Toddler Plus One Carols 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club Carols 3 – 5pm Parish Hall

Dec 24th    Carols around the Crib 4pm in St Mary’s Church

First Eucharist of the Nativity 12am St Mary’s

Dec 25th Christmas Eucharist St John’s 9.30 St Mary’s 11am

Dec 27th Christingle Workshop 10-12 Parish Hall

Dec 28th United Service, Family Eucharist 11am


Random Notes CXXIII


Readers of random notes may recall that of some time ago (no. XCVI), which illustrated a c.1911 photograph of the Revd. John Quarry Conolly, jnr. together with his wife and son standing outside the old Rectory at Carrigaline.

The above photographs are of a plated tray presented to the father of the Rector of Carrigaline, also the Revd. John Quarry Conolly (1846-19 ), upon his resigning in 1873 the curacy of Holy Trinity, Christ Church, South Main street, Cork, to which he had been appointed to in 1870. He later became the Rector of Macroom.

Upon the death of the Revd John Quarry Conolly, the elder, the tray passed to his son, and thus was most probably housed at the Rectory during his                    incumbency of Carrigaline from 1909 to1921. Following the death of the younger Revd. John Quarry Conolly in 1948, the tray was inherited by his son, John Francis Quarry Conolly (1910-    ), of Leades, near. Aghinagh, co. Cork.

In 1981 upon Leades having been sold out of the family, the tray was bought by the compiler of this note at the auction of the contents of the house on Wednesday, 15th April, 1981, and thus has returned to the place where it almost certainly formerly was.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 15, 2014

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