Parish Notices Sunday 17th December 2017

The Rector writes ‘THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of the Live Crib team that put together the event last weekend. It was such a fantastic weekend, with the choirs and music, the food and drink, the pageant, the animals : ducks, geese, donkey, sheep, lambs and of course the 6 year old turkey! it was a truly awe-inspiring magnificent event and of course, this doesn’t just happen, it took a lot of planning and hard work to make it so special, so thank you all the stewards, musicians, singers, actors, director, producer, sound and wardrobe team, caterers, set builders, animal owners and minders, fetchers, hamper makers, raffle ticket sellers, door people , to each and every one of you who supported it.   Yet again this Christmas our parish union has provided the whole community with something to both warm the Heart and challenge the Mind and at the same time raise a lot of money for Charity.’

LIVE CRIB Madeleine Geary would like to say a huge thank you to all those who helped in the kitchen at the Live Crib, those who contributed so much time and effort at the weekend and in providing baked goodies for those who came. There are cake tins left in the kitchen, these can be collected during office hours or after Sunday Service.

Christmas Gramophone Recital Thursday 21st December at 11am in Carrigaline Library. All welcome for a festive music morning.

CONFIRMATION 2018   If you would like to be confirmed next year, please let the Rector know. Weekly Confirmation Classes (Saturdays 5-6:30pm) will start at the beginning of February.



18th December              Toddlers + 1  10am Christmas Carols Parish Hall,

Monday Club & MU Carols 3pm Parish Hall

20th December             Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church

20th December             Advent Talks Series 8pm Parish Hall

24th December             Eucharist 9:30am St John’s Church,

Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church, (No Service at  11am) 

First Eucharist of the Nativity 11:30pm St Mary’s

25th December              Eucharist St John’s Church  9.30am

Eucharist St Mary’s Church 11am

27th December              Midweek Eucharist St Mary’s Church, 10:30am

31st December               United Christingle Service 11am St Mary’s


Random Notes No. CCLVI

“With the invention and development of modern fridges and freezers, the preservation of seasonal food doesn’t really concern us today.

In the 1830’s however, John Smith Barry built his large game larder room at Fota House. The design includes some interesting features. Most importantly, it is positioned on a north east facing wall which gets little sunlight. A lot of the game brought to the larder would have been butchered on site, so the stone flag floors have carved grooves to stop staff from slipping on blood and entrails. There is a vent in the roof so that cross winds could blow through, to suck bad smells up and out. The windows have a metal screen to keep vermin and insects out, but to allow fresh air in.

So as you are preparing your turkey next weekend, thank God for modern refrigeration!”


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 18, 2017

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