Parish Notices Sunday 17th February 2013

The Rector writes ‘We have now begun our Lenten journey and no doubt you have all given some thought about how to make this Lent a holy time. During these weeks of preparation for Easter, we tend to pray more  (which is why we have the additional service on each Wednesday evening) ;  we think about our faith more  (again, our traditional ‘Lenten Study’ each week caters for this);   we may also ‘Fast’ which can be as simple as giving up chocolate or cakes or it can be the conscious act of not doing something that is normally part of your day.  In my case as well as the perennial chocolate deprivation (which is in my case a little selfish anyway)  I also give up ‘Facebook’ on the internet. This may sound easy but in fact I find it really difficult to give up my online community of friends for 6 whole weeks.  But every day when I want to go on Facebook, I remember it is Lent and that I can’t and my mind recalls how much more Jesus gave up.

Giving up things doesn’t make me ‘good’ but it does help remind me of what is truly good and in this small way, it is good for my soul.’

EAPPI  Welcome to Kate Cargin who is speaking to us today about her time as an Ecumenical Accompanier in Palestine and Israel. There will be a retiring collection for the work of EAPPI after both services.

Christian Aid ‘Count your Blessings’-The Rector has put together saving boxes for the children to save some coins during Lent for the work of Christian Aid.  Each box comes with a little booklet so that each day’s savings can be marked up. Please contact the Sunday School teachers if your child would like one.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB meet tomorrow Monday 18th February in the parish hall. Toddlers group from 10am-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.

MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE 10.30am every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church. The first Wednesday of each month will have special prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union followed by refreshments after the Service. All Welcome. During Lent, there will also be a 7.30pm Evening Prayer Service.

Mother’s Union, Wednesday 20th February at 8pm in St Mary’s Parish Hall. Alicia St Leger will give a talk on the Huguenots in Cork. All welcome.

JUNIOR CHOIR meets in St Mary’s Church from 6.30 to 7.15pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.

Monkstown Home group will suspend meeting until after Easter to allow members to join the Lenten services and bible studies.

World Day of Prayer-Friday 1st March. We would love to have more people involved in preparing this Service. Please talk to Hilary Dring 4378439 or the Rector.

EASTER VESTRY- This annual meeting, which is open to all parishioners, will take place in St Mary’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 11th April. Remember that while all are welcome to attend the Easter Vestry meeting only registered vestry persons may vote or be voted into office but please do come along and see how your parish is being run.

Theological Book Circle will meet next in the Rectory at 8pm on Thursday 25th April when we will discuss Fr. Peter McVerry’s book ‘Jesus – Social Revolutionary?’ published by Veritas (2008) ISBN 978-1-84730-110-9. All are welcome.

Diocesan Magazine Subscriptions for 2013 are now due. Please give payment of €20 to Wardens or Rowland Newenham.

The Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline will hold their next meeting on Monday 25 February at 8pm, in St Mary’s School Hall .  Rita Moore will demonstrate “Wedding and Church Flowers”.  Visitors and new members welcome.  Enquiries to 0868091627.

MEN’s Shed-  All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Mens’ Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road.  See leaflets at the back of the churches for more details.

The Social & Health Education Project is running five short courses around Cork City starting late January : Women’s Health & Wellbeing, Coping With Stress, Effective Communication, Intro to Personal Development and Family Communication. For further information phone Geraldine or Liam on 4666180.

Lions Club-Scarsdale High School Orchestra & Choir from New York with the Carrigaline Singers. Monday 18th February at 8.15pm in The Church of Our Lady and St John, Carrigaline. All proceeds in aid of Carrigaline and District Lions Club Charities.

EASTER VESTRY This annual meeting, which is open to all parishioners, will take place in St Mary’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 11th April. Remember that while all are welcome to attend the Easter Vestry meeting only registered vestry persons may vote or be voted into office but please do come along and see how your parish is being run.

CONFIRMATION NOTICE-If you are planning on being confirmed this coming autumn, please put Saturday 9th March in your diary for the ‘Confirmation Morning with the Bishop.’  This is an event which everyone wishing to be confirmed in 2013 must attend.  Please let the Rector know if you wish to be confirmed this year as she is putting the class plantogether. She will let everyone know the actual date for this year’s Confirmations as soon as the Bishop decides on one.


Each Wednesday at 7.30pm during Lent, we will have a short Service in St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline followed by a Bible Study. This year we will be using a Study Course which was developed by the Church of Ireland,  on the theme of Economic Justice. All are welcome to attend.

The dates are as follows:

Wed 13th February (Ash Wednesday) 7.30 Eucharist, followed by Bible Study in the Church.

Wed 20th February 7.30, Evening Prayer  followed by a talk in the Hall given by Dr Alicia St Leger, courtesy of the Mothers’ Union.

Wed 27th February 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.

Wed  6th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.

Wed 13th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.

Wed 20th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.


Feb 18th          Toddlers Plus One 10am in St Mary’s Church hall.                           Monday Club 3pm in Church Hall.

Feb 20th        Evening Prayer St Mary’s  7.30pm, followed by a talk in the Hall by Dr Alicia St Leger, courtesy of the Mothers’ Union.

Feb 21st    Junior Choir at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.

Mar 1st      World Day of Prayer. Claire Jackson speaking 8pm St Mary’s.

Mar 9th      Saturday Service 7pm St Mary’s Church

Mar 16th    Eucharist Service “as Gaeilge” 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Mar 29th    Children’s Easter Club

Mar 31st     Easter Sunday Dawn Service, Monkstown.

Apr 11th     Annual Vestry Meeting 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall.

Apr 25th    Theological Book Circle 8pm The Rectory.

Apr 27th     MU Brunch in Rectory.

May 17th      Flower Festival Opening Service, 7pm St Mary’s Church.

May 19th      Closing Service, 7pm  Bishop Michael Burrows preaching.

June 1st          Parish Fête in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline.

July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week.


Random Notes      No. XLVIX

I recently acquired several boxes of old music books and sheet-music. Some of these came from the now closed St Luke’s Church, Summerhill. There can be nothing more indulgent than whiling away a wet Saturday afternoon in January, sifting through this music which was like opening up a history of church and organ music in Cork over the last century! One book which particularly caught my attention was “Five Introductory Voluntaries for Organ” composed by J.T. Horne. Jock Horne was the organist in St FinBarre’s Cathedral for many years prior to Andrew Padmore, and he also composed and published many works. The book referred to above has a lovely inscription “To my dear friend, Mr Bridgman, as a little token to wish you every success on your return to Cork 11th May 1952.  And every blessing for the days that lie ahead. From Norman (Welcome)”. Many parishioners will remember Norman Welcome who played in Frankfield Church, and also Fred Bridgman who played in St Luke’s, Summerhill as well as the Savoy cinema on Patrick’s Street.

When the Savoy cinema opened its doors in 1932, it was the most luxurious of all Cork cinemas and had by far the greatest spectator capacity with seats for almost 2,250 patrons. Pre-screening sing along shows proved popular with Sunday night audiences. Fred Bridgman played he gigantic “Compton” organ, which rose dramatically from the floor. The audience sang to the music as the words were displayed on glass plates painted by artist Gladys Leach. The cinema closed it’s doors in 1973 but happily the organ was rescued and is now in the concert hall of University of Limerick.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 18, 2013

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