Parish Notices Sunday 17th January 2016

The Rector writes ‘Over the last four years, we have used the Lenten Bible Studies offered by the Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland. This year’s Series is called ‘Reconciliation’ and the introduction explains: “Both the need and the hope for reconciliation – within and between churches, between cultures and continents, rich and poor, male and female, liberal and   conservative – has recently captured more and more of our attention. New leadership in major churches, (Pope Francis in Rome, Archbishop Justin Welby in Canterbury, and Bishop Michael Curry in The Episcopal Church) has offered new inspiration and increased our hope. But the work of reconciliation has to be done at the grass roots. Without us it will not come about.”     I look forward to seeing many of you at the five Studies, which will take place in the Parish Hall on Wednesday nights in Lent after the 7.30pm Service in St Mary’s Church

 1. Power and Service (Feb 10th)
2. Transcending Boundaries (Feb 17th)
3. Reaching out to Others (Feb 24th)
4. Taking down the Walls (Mar 2nd)
5. Do as you would be done by (Mar 9th)’


New year: New opportunities to share  your time and talents-At the recent Gift Day, some people registered their  interest in sharing their time and talents within the Parish. If you haven’t already, do tick a few boxes on the Time and Talents form and share your ideas with us.  Completed forms may be handed to Eddie Pierce (087 255 7505), Ingrid Glen (085 888 8044) or a ChurchWarden.   From music to muscles, we will do our best to match-make!

CONFIRMATION 2016  Confirmation Classes in the Rectory will start on Saturday February 6th.  If you haven’t already, please let the Rector know if you would like to be confirmed in 2016.

DIOCESAN MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2016 are due by 31st January. The annual subscription is €23. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Church Wardens.

Mothers’ Union Movie Night, Wednesday, 20th January at 8pm at the Parish hall. All welcome. Also please remember that annual subs are to be with Frankie Stanley (treasurer) by the 18th January. Please talk to Hilary if you have any queries.

Monkstown home group will meet once on 26th January in the Warren-Perry’s home at 8 pm. From then on it will be at the Lenten study meeting in  Carrigaline.

Grow It Yourself  The Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown group welcome a very special guest Joy Larkcom, internationally renowned, veg garden maker, writer and publisher of several books on Thursday 21 January 2016 at 19:30 in the Church Of Ireland Hall, Passage West.  All welcome. Cost €3 on door.  Further details

Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their AGM on Monday 25 January 2016 in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s NS.

This will be followed at approx 8.45 pm with a talk by Charlie Wilkins on “Aspects of Fota”. Visitors are welcome to the talk. Enquiries to 086 322 2615.


18th Jan     Toddlers Plus One 10 to 12pm Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 to 5pm Parish Hall

Theological Book Club 8pm Rectory

20th Jan     Mothers’ Union Movie Night 8pm Parish Hall

22nd Jan Public Lecture on 1916 7.30 UCC (organised by our own diocesan team)


26th Jan   Monkstown Home Group. 8pm Warren-Perry home

29th Jan   CAMEO 10.30am Monkstown Sailing Club

31st Jan    United Service 11.15am St John’s Church

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s

6th Feb     Confirmation Class 6 to 8pm Rectory

10th Feb   Ash Wednesday. Lenten Study Course in Parish Hall at approx. 8pm immediately after the 7.30pm Eucharist Service in St Mary’s Church.


Random Notes CLXXVIII

Recorded in the book of minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry of Carrigaline are a number of  interesting references to the noted, and quite lovely stained glass window, depicting St. George and the slain dragon, put up at the time, to commemorate members of his family, by Richard.Hobart.Dorman (1858-1940), then living at Newborough, nr. Kinsale.

The design and execution of the window is attributed to Hubert McGoldrick (1897-1967), of An Tur Gloine (‘the tower of glass’), a co-operative which McGoldrick had become a member of in 1920, and which had been established in Dublin some seventeen years previously, in 1903, by the portraitist, Sarah Henrietta Purser (1848-1943), of Mespil House, Mespil road, Dublin, and Edward Martyn (1859-1923), of  Tulira Castle nr. Ardrahan, co. Galway.

The first entry relative to the window is contained within the record of the Easter Vestry held on Wednesday, 4th April, 1923, ….………..’ The chairman read the following letter received from Mr. Dorman. –

‘ Newborough,


24th March, 1923

Dear Mr. Kennedy,

I would like, with your permission, and the permission of the Select Vestry, to have a tablet put up in Carrigaline Church, to the members of the family to which I belong who fell in the German war.- I am setting aside a sum of £100 for the purpose of the memorial, and it seems to me probable that this sum might not only be sufficient for the tablet, but also to put in a small stained glass window.- If the Select Vestry consider the proposal favorably I would like to have the work carried out this year, as my ancestor, Richard Dorman was Churchwarden of the parish in 1723, when I believe the Church was           re-built, and the window would also be some little commemoration of his memory, if the work could be carried out during the current year.-

Yours faithfully,

R.H. Dorman’

Proposed by Mr. Mc.Ferran, – seconded by Mr. Stanley, that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. Dorman for the very generous offer contained in his letter.- passed.

Proposed by Mr. D.H. Young, seconded by Mr. Smyth, that the following committee be appointed to meet Mr. Dorman to consult with him and Rev. F.G. Kennedy relative to the erection of a memorial window etc. in in the Parish Church., viz. Capt.  Newenham, Mr. John Stanley, Mr. McFerran.- passed’



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 18, 2016

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