Parish Notices Sunday 1st February 2015

The Rector writes …..   ‘Today is 1st February and liturgically we could have gone in three different directions —

We could have used the readings for St Brigid whose feast day is today or we could have used the readings for the Presentation of Christ in the Temple which transfers back from tomorrow  but instead we are sticking with the appointed readings for the 4th Sunday of the Epiphany. 

At the end of today’s  Service we will have a short dismissal liturgy.  We will gather around the font with our candles lit as we remember how,  in the words of Hymn 203,  ’The candles invite us to praise and to pray,  when Christmas greets Easter on Candlemas Day’   


DIOCESAN MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2015 are now overdue. The annual subscription has increased slightly to €23 to cover rising printing and publication costs. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Church Wardens.

FLOWER / BELL ROTAS If  anyone would like to be  included in Rota for both Bell Ringing and/or Flower Rota for 2015 (who isn’t already on it) please give their name to the Parish Office.  If you would like to chat about it then ring Joy Keefe on 087 2559844.  Those on the rota feel that it is a privilege to be able to help in our parish.  The flower rota is two people in charge of flowers for a month. So if                      someone feels they need to be paired with someone more experienced this can be arranged.

CONFIRMATION The classes begin next Saturday from 6pm to 8pm in the Rectory with the candidates being confirmed in St John’s Church on Sunday 19th April.  If you or anyone you know is interested in preparing for confirmation this year then please let the rector know before next Saturday.

MONKSTOWN CHAMBER CHOIR have returned to practice at 8pm in St John’s Church on Thursdays. We love to welcome new members to this parish /community choir and there are currently spaces for Altos, Tenors and Basses. For further information please contact Roger Ellis on 087 9607750.

We are holding a Scrap Metal Collection over the next few weeks to raise funds for the Parish.  So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect it from your home or business.  

 For information on where to drop off or if you need it collected  call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379or Henry Forbes on 0872035000.

A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website

SONGS OF PRAISE   Sunday 8th February. “Songs of Praise” Evensong in St John’s Church at 7pm. Choose your favourite seasonal hymns on the voting forms available at the back of the church. The most popular hymn from each category will be revealed and sung by congregation and choir on the evening


                   NEXT   WEEK

Feb 2nd    Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 – 5pm Parish Hall

Feb 4th     Eucharist Service 10.30am in St Mary’s Church

Lectio Divinio 8pm Parish Hall

Feb 7th   Confirmation Classes 6 -8pm in Rectory



Feb 8th   Songs of Praise 7pm St John’s Church

Feb 11th World Day of Prayer Bible Study immediately following the 10.30am Eucharist in St Mary’s

Feb 12th   Friendship Club 11am Rectory

Feb 16th   Annual Update of Parish Register 7 to 8pm Parish Hall

Feb 20th   Youth Club 7 to 9pm Parish Hall

April 19th Confirmation Service 11 St John’s Church


Random Notes CXXVIII

1st Feb


Reproduced above is a quite lovely photograph of a detail of the handsome pulpit, which it is presumed, dates from, and is contemporary with the construction of the St. Mary’s Church Carrigaline, built in 1823 to designs of the noted architects, the brothers, George Richard Pain and James Pain.

The photograph was taken, it is thought, most probably in the mid 1980’s. The identity, alas, of the photographer who took this small collection of black and white interior views of the Church, of which the present view, and that illustrated in Random Notes of two weeks ago, is as yet unknown.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 2, 2015

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