Parish Notices Sunday 1st July 2018
The Rector writes ‘As you read this I am up in the ‘Wee North’ at the SMA Summer School being held in Dromantine, Co. Down. I was asked to be a part of an Ecumenical Panel in the Summer School this year by a fellow member of the Cork Three Faiths Forum who is the Justice Officer for SMA (Society of African Missions). The theme for this year is ‘Radical Discipleship: Healing for a world in pain’ so it’ll be very interesting to be part of the gathering and in particular I am looking forward to listening to John Lonergan , the ex Governor of Mountjoy Prison, who is an outstanding speaker in the area of social injustices, having had a front row seat for many years. I’ve no doubt I’ll be regurgitating some of what I hear in upcoming sermons!. Meanwhile I’d like to thank Richard for looking after you all today
Our Drama Group are meeting tonight in the Parish Hall at 7:30pm. They have this year’s play picked but still need to cast one very important role – a ‘youngish’ man (20s to 40s). If you enjoyed the play last year in Douglas and are a young(ish) male, then please do try and come along tonight. If you know of a young(ish) male who may be interested, do encourage them as our fledgling Drama Group really needs to be supported by us all. Apart from the pleasure we get watching the play in November, it is also a major fund-raiser for our Parish, so have a look in your attics for someone who might fit the bill!
CFSC Care & Repair Service is a Free DIY Service for older people. Our volunteers carry out small/minor DIY jobs for older people who find it difficult to do themselves. Please note we do not cut grass as this is an ongoing job. For more information please contact Carrigaline Family Support Centre on 021-4919299.
SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB-We will join again with Crosshaven for our Summer Holiday Club . This year’s Club is called ‘The Big Top’ and will be in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School Carrigaline from Monday 16th July to Friday 20th July. Application Forms are now available in the Parish Office or from the Rector.
2nd July Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall
2nd July Drama Group 7:30pm Parish Hall
16-20 July Summer Holiday Club 10am-1pm Canon McCrea Hall
23rd July Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
29th July United Service 11:15 St Mary’s Church
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s
Random Notes No. CCLXXV
The coat of arms of the Earls of Kildare, who later became the Dukes of Leinster, features monkeys. An interesting family legend explains the reason for this.
John FitzThomas Fitzgerald, who later became the first Earl, lived in the castle of Woodstock as an infant. It caught fire and the adults of the household, in their hurry to escape, forgot about the baby.
On their return to what was now a smouldering ruin, to search for him, they saw that on one of the surviving towers was an ape, which was usually kept chained in the castle grounds, carefully holding the child in his arms. Ever afterwards the Earls of Kildare, in gratitude, have used two monkeys to support their crest.