Parish Notices Sunday 20th August 2017

Rector’s Holiday Arrangements   

The Douglas Clergy will cover pastoral emergencies from 1st August until 26th August. Telephone 021-4891539

Sunday Services:

20th Holy Communion, St John’s, Holy Communion St Mary’s  : The Rt Revd Michael Mayes

Wednesday Services:

23rd Holy Communion : The Revd Edwin Hunter


The Select Vestry invite you all to join them in the Rectory Garden for a Barbecue at 7:30pm on Friday 8th September. Please stick the date in your diary now and there will be more details nearer the time.



Saplings Home group- Wednesday 13th  September at 8pm. Theme for the year -“ My favourite book in the Bible and why”. Speaker on our opening night is Rev. Elaine Murray. Meeting at the Poole’s house. All welcome.  Contact Clare for further information on 087 2649523.

Mothers’ Union – This year, instead of our annual conference, we are organising a ‘A Day Away From It All’ at Inchydoney Lodge Hotel on Saturday, 23rd September from 12 noon – 3.30pm. It will be an opportunity to relax and spend time with friends. The lunch, organised by Kate Ryan of, will be based around local food producers and their story, will include a drink and will be followed by a walk on the beach and a visit to Clonakilty Community Garden. Tickets €37.50 per person. ADVANCE BOOKING ESSENTIAL. All welcome (not just for Mothers’ Union members) – bring your friend, partner, husband, whoever!! For more info talk to Hilary on 086-3680513.



August       Rector on vacation

4th Sept      Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall

7th Sept      Select Vestry Meeting 8pm Rectory

8th Sept      Parish Barbecue 7:30pm in Rectory Garden

10th Sept    Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s

11th Sept     Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall

13th Sept     Home Group 8pm Poole’s home

14th Sept    Friendship Club 11am Rectory

15th Sept    Youth Club 7:30 till 9:30pm Parish Hall

18th Sept    Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

23rd Sept    Mother’s Union Day Away. Inchydoney.

24th Sept    Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s

1st Oct          United Harvest Celebration 11 St Mary’s. Preacher : Keith Dyde

7th Oct         Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall

8th Oct        United Harvest Celebration 11:15 St John’s. Preacher : The Revd Tony Murphy


Random Notes No. CCXLII

Here are the origins of some surnames to be found in Carrigaline parish today.

Arnopp. Originally Harhopp (Hare’s Valley) presumably given to a dweller in such a valley. In some places, it became Arnopp due to local pronunciation.

Bateman. Boatman or servant of Bate. (A shortened form of Bartholomew.)

Bond. From bondsman, meaning peasant farmer.

Gleasure. Corruption of the original name Glazier, meaning a glassblower.

Meiklejohn. A Scottish nickname. If more than one John lived locally, the oldest or biggest was called Meiklejohn to distinguish him from the others.

Sharpe. Someone lively or quick.

Trotter. Meaning a messenger in Old English.




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on August 23, 2017

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