Parish Notices Sunday 20th May 2018
The Rector writes ‘ Two events to promote :
The first happening tomorrow evening (Monday 21st May) at 7:30pm when our parish will host this area’s open evening with the Bishop and representatives of ‘Charting a Future with Confidence’ . We will hear what the process means for us all at this stage on our journey of faith together. People from the Kinsale and Templebreedy parishes will be joining us and there will be refreshments at the end of the evening. Please do come along and join in the conversation.
The following Monday, 28th, we will again be hosting an event for the local area, this time a ‘Recycling Workshop’ when Dan Boyle will be along to help us understand what exactly get recycled and where ( I don’t know about you but I am constantly worried that I’m putting the wrong thing in the wrong bin !) Parish Hall at 8pm and of course there will be refreshments afterwards as is our custom ! ’
Cystic Fibrosis Charity fundraiser, John and Eithna Howard of Seamount, Currabinny, Carrigaline, will open their garden Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 May, from 12pm to 4 pm. This garden is the winner of Carrigaline Tidy Towns competitions in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Donations at the gate, light refreshments will be served and there will be plants for sale. Signs for directions to the garden will be up around Carrigaline and Shannon Park roundabout. Enquiries to 086 0759704.
We will join again with Crosshaven for our Summer Holiday Club . This year’s Club is called ‘The Big Top’ and will be in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School Carrigaline from Monday 16th July to Friday 20th
July. Application Forms are now available in the Parish Office or from the Rector.
Let all those who believe that there is only one God, our all-powerful Father, respond “Amen.”
Let all those who believe that God is the Creator of all that exists in the universe respond “Amen.”
Let all those who believe that Jesus Christ is the Father’s only son and that he is equal to the Father in every way, respond “Amen.”
Let all those who believe that Jesus became a human being through the power of the Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary, respond “Amen.”
Let all those who believe that Jesus truly suffered and died and that by his death he redeemed us from the power of evil, respond “Amen.”
And let all those who believe that he will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, respond “Amen.”
Let all those who believe that the Holy Spirit is equal to the Father and the Son, and is the giver of life, respond “Amen.”
Let all those who believe that the Spirit came down upon the disciples at Pentecost and still works in the midst of the church today, respond “Amen.”
Let all those who believe that Jesus established one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, and that it is called to share in God’s eternal life, respond “Amen.”
This is the faith of the church and our faith.
We are proud to profess it and give thanks to God AMEN !