Parish Notices Sunday 21 July 2013

The Rector writes :   ‘We wish Canon Bertie O’Mahony a fond farewell as he leaves Carrigaline for his new position as Parish Priest of Dennehy’s Cross,  Wilton.  Bertie was PP in Carrigaline for 10 years and was a great friend to us all over the years.  He will be missed in the locality and no doubt Dennehy’s Cross will very soon discover what a gem they are getting.  We remember with fondness how well he preached in St Mary’s Church during the Week of Christian Unity in January of this year and it is a shame that we will not now be able to take him up on his offer of travelling with him when next he takes a group to the Holy Land.   On a positive note, we welcome Fr.  Pat Fogarty who has become the new Parish Priest here in our sister parish of Our Lady & St John’s Carrigaline.  I am looking forward to meeting and getting to know him. ‘

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP meet tomorrow as normal from 10am-midday . There will be no Monday Club until September.

Junior Heroes Holiday Club  begins tomorrow Monday 22nd at 10am. Please pray for all of the young leaders and the children taking part in this year’s club. If you would like to contribute a tray bake to the Club, please drop it into the School before 10am on any of the days.   The  Parent’s night ‘concert’ is at 7pm on Thursday 25th and all parishioners are welcome to come along and see for yourself what the children have been learning and doing in the club.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE met in the Rectory Garden on a glorious evening last week. All had enjoyed the last book ‘Joshua’ which was felt to be a deceptively simple book with a powerful spiritual punch.  Our new book is M. Scott Peck’s ‘The road less travelled’ and we will meet on Wednesday 2nd October at 8pm in the Rectory to discuss.

MEN’s Shed All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Men’s Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road.  See leaflets at back for further details.

Carrigaline family Support Initiative are running a 12 week Rainbows Workshop for children who have experienced loss through Divorce or Separation. This is for children aged 9 to 12 years. Thursdays 3pm-4pm beginning on Sept 19th. Venue Carrigaline Family Support Centre, Wylie House. They are Also running a Parent Plus Workshop for Adolescents . This is an 8 week course and will run from 21st Oct to 16th Dec 7.30-9.30pm. Venue Carrigaline Community School Fee €30inc Manual. Contact Rosie or Wendy @ 4919299.



July 22nd      Toddlers plus One group 10am-midday

July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week in school

Sept 6th        Parish Barbecue in the Rectory.

Sept 15th       Parish Confirmation Service St John’s 11am

Sept 29th United Service :  Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am

United Healing Service St John’s 7pm

Oct 12th Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall.

Oct 13th  St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am

The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.

St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm

The Revd John Ardis preaching


  Random Notes LXVII

Early on the morning of Sunday, 23rd March, 2003, a fire broke out in the electrical wiring beneath the organ in the Church at Carrigaline, a consequence of which was that much damage was caused, both to the Church in general, especially in area of the tower where the stairs leading to the gallery, and the ceiling above it, etc. were either very badly damaged, or else destroyed, and to the organ, which for practical purposes was quite ruined, and had later to be replaced.

These photographs were taken early in the morning of that day, when the firemen were still busy extinguishing the blaze, and what is certain is that, had not been for their timely arrival the entire Church would have been lost.


Carrigaline Church, fire, Sunday, 23rd March, 2003 003


Carrigaline Church, fire, Sunday, 23rd March, 2003 005


Carrigaline Church, fire, Sunday, 23rd March, 2003 004













Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 22, 2013

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