Parish Notices Sunday 21st April 2013

The Rector writes ‘This week I’d like to mention some events that are coming up in the next  little while. Please do come and support the joint School/Parish Walk next Sunday 28th and I hope we get decent weather!  I would make a special appeal to you about the upcoming Flower Festival. These sort of one-off events take careful organising and Jonathan Fleury has been amazing heading up the group who are planning everything from where the flower arrangements will go to who will help out in the various areas.  If you have a couple of spare hours that weekend of 17th to 19th May, please do get in touch.  Help will be much appreciated. Hazel Fleury (4841383) will look after Plants, Rowland (4378741) will look after Country Produce, Hilary Warren-Perry (4841107) is looking after Refreshments. We will also need stewards to help both in the Church and in the Hall over the entire weekend . Please do ring one of the above or ring me and I will pass on your name to one of the group organising the festival.

I would also remind you to put the Parish Fête in your diary. This very popular annual event will take place on Saturday June 1st this year. Thanks as always to Eddie Pierce and his team for organising it. ‘

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB meet tomorrow Monday 22nd April. Toddlers group from 10am-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.

JUNIOR CHOIR continues this Thursday 25th April.  All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.

Monkstown Home Group- meeting at 8.00 pm on Wednesday 24th May at the home of John Sweeney (Suaimhneas, Upper Ardmore, Upper Church Hill, Passage West). We shall be continuing to study Luke’s Gospel.

Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline, are holding a  “Work Day” with Una Fleming on Saturday 27 April at 11am for members only. Their annual outing will be on Monday 27 May to North Tipperary,.  Further details at a later date or from 086 8091627.  The next meeting of the Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline, will be held tomorrow Monday 22 April at 8pm. Talk by Jerry Harford, The Potting Shed, Camolin, Co Wexford on “New love, Old flames ….Our Plants” Venue., Canon McCrea Hall. Plants will be available for sale. Visitors welcome.  Enquiries to 0868091627.

East Cork Choral Society are performing Haydn’s “The Creation” on Saturday 27th April at 8pm in St Peter & Paul’s Church Cork. Tickets €15 available from ProMusica, Oliver Plunkett St, St Peter & Paul’s Church or Choir Members.

MEN’s Shed- All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Men’s Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road.  See leaflets at the back of the churches for more details or contact  Roger @ 4372438.

Our Parish/School Sponsored Walk takes place next  Sunday April 28th after the service in St Mary’s.   We still could do with some more volunteers to help run this popular annual event so please contact the rector if you feel you can help out.  This year the Walk will also be part of the National Spring Clean Initiative run by An Taisce which fits in beautifully with our plans to become an Eco-Congregation and also with the School’s plan to gain a Green Flag. Please do support the day as it is an important Parish / School initiative and helps cement the ties we already enjoy with our parish school.


Safe Guarding Trust in Carrigaline Union

The incumbent, select vestry and parish leaders are committed to uphold good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people.

Should you have a concern, suspicion or allegation regarding child welfare in the area of ministry to children in this parish please refer to the Safe Guarding Trust Posters which are displayed in each Church and Hall in this Union.

The Safe Guarding Trust Parish Panel  members are:

The Revd Elaine Murray Tel 087 2363100

Rosemary Powell Tel. 087 2849865

The Revd Daniel Nuzum Tel      086 7714615



Apr 22nd       Toddlers plus One 10am-midday. Monday Club 3-5pm.  St Mary’s Church Hall

Apr  25tth        Junior Choir 6.30pm

Apr 25th         Theological Book Circle 8pm The Rectory.

Apr 27th       MU Brunch in the Rectory.

Apr 28th       Parish/School Sponsored Walk

May 11th       MU/Youth Led Saturday Night Service 7pm St Mary’s Church

May 15th      MU Afternoon Tea in the Rectory 3pm

May 17th        Flower Festival Opening Service, 8.30pm St Mary’s Church.

May 19th        Closing Service, 7.30pm  Bishop Michael Burrows preaching.

May 31st        Kilkenny Mothers’ Union group visiting the Rectory

June 1st          Parish Fête in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline.

June 9th  Sunday School Prize giving and Parish Picnic in Rectory

July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week.

Sept 29th United Service :  Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am

Healing Service St John’s 7pm

Oct 13th  St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am

The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.

St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm

The Revd John Ardis preaching


Random Notes               LV    

I sometimes think that we are losing a particularly attractive part of our Anglican tradition when we simply refer to our hymns as 1st hymn, 2nd hymn etc, so some short investigating and chats with the Rector have helped me come up with this week’s Random Note!

Some of the correct or traditional terms are:-
Processional Hymn. The Introit (or introductory voluntary) is music played prior to the service commencing. The Processional Hymn is sung as the choir and clergy “Process” into the church. Where there is no choir, the most suitable term for the first hymn is Entrance Hymn.
Gradual Hymn. The Gradual is a chant or hymn in the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist.  In the Book of Common Prayer, the Gradual Hymn is sung after the New Testament reading (Epistle) and before the Gospel is read by the priest. It is believed to have been named because it was traditionally sung as the priest was “Graduating” towards the Ambo (a raised stand like the Lectern) for the reading of the Gospel.
Offertory Hymn. The Offertory (from medieval Latin Offertorium) is the part of the Eucharistic Service when the bread and wine are ceremoniously placed on the Altar. The gifts of bread and wine are “offered” so the Offertory Hymn is sung.
Recessional Hymn. The Recessional Hymn (nothing to do with economics I’m happy to add!) is placed at a Church Service to close it. Sometimes choir and clergy will “Recede” to the back of the Church. An equivalent to the concluding voluntary, which is called a recessional voluntary.

Another sung part of the service is the Anthem.   This developed as a replacement for the Catholic “Votice Antiphon” commonly sung as an appendix to the main office to the Blessed Virgin Mary or other saints. Although Anthem’s were written in the Elizabethan period by composers such as Tallis and Byrd, they are not mentioned in the Book of Common Prayer until 1662, when the famous rubric “In quires and places where they sing here followeth the anthem” first appears. In the context of an Anglican service, an “Anthem” is a composition to an English religious text.

Psalms, Canticles, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, Gloria Patri, Amen, Versicles and Responses can of course also be sung, but I’ll leave that for another rambling!



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on April 22, 2013

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