Parish Notices Sunday 22nd July 2018

The Rector writes  ‘Next Sunday is a ‘Fifth Sunday’’ and as is the now the tradition in Carrigaline Union, we will join together at 11:15am in one Church (next Sunday that is St Mary’s)  and then there will be an evening  Service of Wholeness & Healing at 7pm in the other Church (and next Sunday that is in St John’s).

There are usually 4 months every year which have five rather than four  Sundays so this provides a perfect excuse to come together to worship … as Goldilocks might put it  ‘not too rarely and not too often’ ! ‘


Hymn 144  Thanks & Praise

The Church is wherever God’s people are praising,
knowing they’re wanted and loved by their Lord.
The Church is wherever Christ’s followers are trying
to live and to share out the good news of God.

 The Church is wherever God’s people are loving,
where all are forgiven and start once again,
where all are accepted, whatever their background,
whatever their past and whatever their pain.

 The Church is wherever God’s people are seeking
to reach out and touch folk wherever they are –
conveying the Gospel, its joy and its comfort,
to challenge, refresh, and excite and inspire.

 The Church is wherever God’s people are praising,
knowing we’re wanted and loved by our Lord.
The Church is where we as Christ’s followers are trying
to live and to share out the good news of God.

Carol Rose Ikeler (b. 1920)




Friday 27th: 915-1215


Open Wednesday & Friday mornings


Carrigaline Library Events:

Wednesday 1st August at 11.00am. Basher Bacon Puppet Show – all ages welcome

Thursday 2nd August at 11.30am. Cork Opera House presents The Wizard of Oz – A reading from the original book with The Wicked Witch of the West (two tickets to the show in the Opera House will be raffled at the event)

Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser On Saturday 28th and Sunday 29 July, from 12 – 4 pm, in Aid of Cystic Fibrosis. John and Eithne Howard, of Seamount,  Currabinny, will open their garden and have a plant sale. (Between Novartis and GSK). Entry 5 Euro, children free. All donations welcome. Can’t come ? Appointments available for groups of 10 or more. Call 086 0759704.



23rd July    Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

25th July   Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

29th July    United Service 11:15 St Mary’s Church

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s

4th Sept      Mothers’ Union Day out to Dunmanway  11am

19th Sept     Mothers’ Union Service 8pm St Mary’s Church

Random Notes  No. CCLXXVII

“To many people, the idea of being buried alive is an absolute  nightmare. However, one Cobh man volunteered himself to be buried alive for over 100 hours.

30 year old, Tim Hayes, worked at the dockyard in Rushbrooke and lived on Lake Road. On Christmas day, 1966, a large crowd gathered in Ballymore to witness his descent in a full sized coffin and subsequent “burial”. Two pipes were provided to supply him with air and food. He had a link to the outside world by telephone and a special alarm system. He brought books and a torch with him, including “Dracula” and “A Beautiful Coffin”.

When he was un-buried, over 100 hours later he remarked “I’m that happy, that if they put a corpse down beside me, it wouldn’t worry me”.

Further attempts were made in 1970 to break his own record. “The Coffin Man”, Tim Hayes, died in 2005.”



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on August 1, 2018

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