Parish Notices Sunday 23rd March 2014
The Rector writes ‘This year we will again be running the Easter Holiday Club for the children. There are application forms at the back of the churches and these forms are also available on-line through the Parish office. As we have to plan the resources and leaders needed for the day, it is really very important that you register children ahead of time. This year’s Confirmation group will be helping out on the day as last year’s gang did (and last year’s Confirmation group will be the ‘Servers’ at our Seder Meal on Maundy Thursday so no-one ever escapes!) We also look forward to welcoming Billy the Donkey again this year for our Palm Sunday Procession in St Mary’s Church and thanks to Adrian and Caroline for going to the trouble of prettying him up for his day in Church. I will be including a separate sheet detailing all of our Holy Week Services in a couple of weeks ’
TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall.
LENTEN SERVICES continue on Wednesdays. Our 7.30pm Evening Prayer Service in St Mary’s Church is followed by a Bible Study in the Parish Hall.
LENTEN TALKS IN OUR LADY AND ST JOHN PARISH CENTRE-8pm Tue 25th March: ‘Communion with Christ and one another’. Speaker: Fr. Sean O’Sullivan; 8pm Tuesday 1st April: ‘Lent, a time of healing’. Speaker: Sr. Eileen Browne ; 8pm Thursday 10th April: ‘The Cross and the Resurrection’. Speaker: Martina Lehane-Sheehan.
EASTER CLUB is happening again this Good Friday 18th April in the Parish Hall beside St. Mary’s Church 10 am until 1pm. The Club is for children of primary school age and those who will start school in September only. Registration forms will be available in both churches and via email from the Parish Office. All children who would like to come must be registered beforehand as places will be limited for safety reasons. Contact the parish office 021-4374045 or the Rector at 087-2363100.
Mother’s Union-Pampering Day. Saturday 29th March at 2pm.Trident Hotel Kinsale. See fliers for details or contact Jennifer Kingston on 086-3236641
THE KINNEIGH UNION FOOD FAIR 2014-Kinneigh Union of Parishes is hosting a ‘Food Fair’ on Tuesday the 25th of March next at 8p.m. in the BEDA Hall in Enniskeane. Tickets at the door: €10 Chefs from three different restaurants, Poacher’s Inn, Bandon; Café Italee, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork and Willie Pa’s, near Bantry will be demonstrating their cuisine. We look forward to an interesting and varied presentation of magnificent food! All three restaurants are well known to the organisers for their wonderful gastronomic fare. Cork Artisan Food Producers are widely recognized for producing high quality foods with a great taste experience and some of them will also join us for the evening. So do come along and enjoy a ‘taste of Cork’, the fun of watching others cook and the company of fellow foodies!
Licensing and Installation of the New Archdeacon-Our new Archdeacon, the Venerable Adrian Wilkinson will be licensed by the Bishop and will be installed by the Dean and Chapter in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork next Sunday, 30th March during Choral Evensong at 4 p.m. This is an occasion of importance for all of us here in the Diocese. The Bishop is keen to ensure that there is a wide representation present from every parish in the Diocese and so you are all invited and encouraged to attend.
Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their annual Spring Show in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Marys school on Monday 24 March at 8 pm. Demonstrator – Margot Allen – Theme “Arabian travels”. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615
March 24th Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
March 30th United Service 11am in St John’s
April 6th Commissioning of the Lay Ministers of the Eucharist at normal services of 9.30am in St Johns and 11am
in St Mary’s
April 13th Palm Sunday
April 17th Maundy Thursday , Seder Meal 7pm Parish Hall
April 18th Good Friday ‘Easter Holiday Club’ 10am to 1pm Parish Hall
April 19th Easter Saturday Vigil Service 9pm St Mary’s
April 20th Easter Sunday Ecumenical Dawn Service 6am St John’s
May 6th Easter Vestry, Annual General Meeting of Parish, 7.30pm in Parish Hall.
May 14th Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Rectory 11am
May 31st Parish Fête
June 8th Pentecost Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s
Jun 15th Parish Picnic
Jun 21st St Nicholas’ Brass Band celebrating 150 years, will be performing at the Mid Summer Garden Party in St Mary’s Churchyard…. plus the Rector’s sponsored diet ends today (hooray!).
July 21st – July 25th Summer Holiday Club ‘Starship Discovery’
Random Notes No. XC
Written into the minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry of Carrigaline are two rather interesting letters relating to the lovely and noted St George slaying the dragon stained glass window in the south wall of the Church, set up to commemorate members of the Dorman family.
The writer of the letters, and the presenter of the window was Richard Henry Dorman (1858-19540), then of Newborough, nr Oysterhaven, later of Ballea Castle, nr Carrigaine, and an elder brother of the Revd. Samuel Hobart Dorman (1863-1951), Rector of Knockmourne, whohad ten years earlier in 1913 presented to the Church a very handsome silver chalice (for a note on which see random Notes XXI).
4th April, 1923
‘The Chairman read the following letter received from Mr. Dorman;
Newborough, Kinsale, 24th March, 1923.
Dear Mr. Kennedy,
I would like, with your permission and the permission of the Select Vestry to have a tablet put up in Carrigaline Church to the members of the family to which I belong, who fell in the German war. I am setting aside a sum of £100 for the purpose of the memorial and it seems to me probable that this sum might not only be sufficient for the tablet but also to put in a small stained glass window. If the Select Vestry considers the proposal favourably I would like to have the work carried out this year as my ancestor Richard Dorman was Churchwarden of the parish in 1723, when I believe the church was rebuilt, and the window would also be some little commemoration of his memory, if the work could be carried out during the current year.
Yours faithfully.
R.H .Dorman
28th January, 1924
‘Mr. Dorman submitted to the Vestry a design by Miss Purser of the stained glass window which he proposes to have put in Carrigaline Church in memory of the members of his family who fell in the great war. Mr. Dorman explained that the design had already met with the approval of the Bishop. Capt. Newenham proposed and Mr Young seconded a resolution that this Vestry has much pleasure in accepting the design with a very hearty vote of gratitude to Mr. Dorman for adding in this way to the beauty of the Church, this was carried unanimously.’