Parish Notices Sunday 25th September 2016

The Rector writes Things are changing for Sunday School ! Instead of meeting each week from January the new ‘Sunday Club’ will meet only on the 2nd Sunday of each month when the children can be brought directly to the Parish Hall and have a decent length Club-time. This will help the teachers to plan out the sessions as 20 minutes just wasn’t time enough to properly cover any subject. I will be sending a letter out to all the parents in the coming weeks to explain our new system but for now I just wanted to let you know what will be happening. This new system will kick in from the New Year (8th January).

For the remainder of this year, the children will have Sunday School on Sunday 2nd October (to prepare stuff for the Harvest on 9th) , Sunday 6th November (to prepare stuff for Remembrance Sunday on 13th) and Sunday 18th December will of course be the Sunday School Christmas Party. Then in 2017 Sunday Club will be every 2nd Sunday with the All-Age Service on the 4th Sunday. I hope that the children and their parents will like and support these new arrangements.’

Carrigaline union Harvest Supper-Saturday 8th October at 7.30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. All  Welcome. Ticket 15 euro includes supper and dancing. Contact Henry Forbes 0872035000 or Adrian Bateman 0868300379 for tickets or the Parish Office.

Home Group at the Poole’s Home. Wednesday 28th September at 8pm. The Rector will be speaking about her recent visit to St George’s House Windsor for a Clergy Consultation, entitled “God: Some Conversations”. All welcome.

Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be environmentally friendly at the same time! For more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.

AN INVITATION TO REMEMBER A Service of Remembrance will be held By Cork University Maternity Hospital On Friday 7th October 2016 at 7.30pm In the Sacred Heart Church, Western Road, Cork All who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss are welcome.

Harbour Sounds. A variety concert to raise funds for a replacement organ in St Mary’s Church, Marmullane, Passage West. Saturday 1st October at 7.30pm. Artistes will include Fiona O’Reilly, John Spillane, Dan Twomey, Paula Mealy, Charlotte O’Connor & Denis Lane, as well as Monkstown Chamber Choir. Tickets €15 raffle and light refreshments. Contact Alfie Hosford for tickets 087 224 4214.

Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline, will hold their next meeting on Monday 26 Sept at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Adam Whitbourne, head gardener at Blarney Castle will tell the story of Blarney Castle and Gardens. There will be a members plant sale. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.

CORK AUTISM CONFERENCE takes place on October 9th at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork from 9am until 4.30pm. In this conference 5 highly respected medical practitioners and specialists in autism and Asperger’s syndrome share valuable resources for your child, family member, friend, student or yourself. You can avail of a special early bird rate of only €49 until September, 18th. Find out more details here: or call Micheál on 0861719311.

Migraine Association of Ireland will hold three Self-Help Group sessions in the Maldron Hotel, Cork City on Thursday evenings September 22nd and 29th and 6th October. As places are limited to 20 max  registration is required. Light refreshments will be served. please call 1850 200 378 or email


Dates for your diary

26th September    Toddlers plus One 10am

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

28th September   Home Group. 8pm. Poole’s Home

30th September   CAMEO. Monkstown Bay Sailing Club. 1030am

8th Oct  Harvest Supper & Dance 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall

9th Oct Harvest Thanksgiving Services:

                 11am St Mary’s Church, Preacher: The Revd John Tanner

                 7pm  St John’s Church, Preacher: The Revd David Bowles

17th Oct    Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

19th Oct Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall Tracey Pierce will speak about her recent trip to Cambodia.

23rd Oct All Age ‘Sports Service’ 11am St Mary’s Church

30th Oct       United Service 11am St Mary’s-Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s

1st Nov Reflective Service 7pm St Mary’s

18-20th Nov  Mother’s Union Weekend. Celtic Ross Hotel

Random Notes CCVII



Imagine a hospital that serves a population of fifteen million people. Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) is just such a hospital: It is located near the foothills of the Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. It was opened in March 1971 by the Good Samaritan Foundation. KCMC is a referral hospital for over 15 million people in Northern Tanzania. The hospital is a huge complex with 500-800 in-patients in 630 official beds, 90 canvas beds, 40 baby incubators, 1852 students, 1300 staff and 1000 visitors daily. In contrast, Cork University Hospital has 800 beds and 3300 staff for a catchment area of 1.1 million people.

KCMC is a referral hospital which means that patients arriving there are usually acutely or chronically ill, having already been seen in smaller regional hospitals or community clinics first throughout Northern Tanzania. This includes pregnancies: KCMC has 9,000 births per annum and a high percentage of those have serious complications. In Tanzania, for each 100,000 live births, 454 mums, 2,600 babies and 5,100 infants die. For Ireland the infant mortality rate is 300 per 100,000 live births.

Such a high rate of mortality is clearly unacceptable. While Tanzania has made huge progress reducing the mortality rate since 2005, more needs to be done. The hospital already maintains a small electronic birth register; with assistance from UCC researchers, it plans to move to an all-electronic birth management system in the next few years. The hospital already recognizes that paper records are no longer suitable. An electronic system will allow research staff to more quickly identify areas of improvement to reduce mortality.

The hospital is collocated with Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI) and Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College. There is a large body of research staff and students working to improve the health of the population. Tanzania already possesses a mobile phone network to rival if not surpass Ireland’s. There is a similar opportunity for the hospital and its outlying clinics to leapfrog Western systems into the 21st century.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 26, 2016

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