Parish Notices Sunday 26th October 2014
The Rector writes ‘When I arrived here in Cork, I very quickly formed a Parish ‘Liturgy Group’ consisting of our Lay Reader Richard, our Organists, Kay, Hilary & Roger along with our Sunday School coordinator Sally and our Youth Leader Peter.
We all meet on a quarterly basis and discuss the various Services planned in our parish over the coming months. I have personally found it of great help to have this kind of input and I know that you have enjoyed the richness of our Liturgies over the last 3 years. This coming Saturday, November 1st, is All Saints Day, (The Collects for which are on Page 323 of our Prayer Book) We will have a Reflective Service to remember loved ones at 7pm in St Mary’s Church.
This Service is in response to a request from some parishioners and the Liturgy Group have created a short reflective Service where we can gather together as a Church Family to remember those whom we have loved and whose legacy we value. ‘
EXHIBITION of work by the late Anna O’Hara: paintings and prints for sale in aid of Nathan Kirwan Trust and Irish Cancer Society. November 1st from 12 noon – 4pm, then daily 10 – 4 until Sun 9th Nov., in Currabinny.
Photographs and/or service details of relatives of parishioners who served in World War I are being sought. These will be used for a silent visual presentation as part of Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong in Monkstown on November 9th. Copies will also be passed to St Fin Barre’s to form part of the Cathedral’s World War I Remembrance. If you have any photographs (in uniform or otherwise), memories or details of those who served in the Great War, please contact Simon Woodworth at (086) 083 0639 or All material will handled with the utmost care. Once it is scanned and copied the originals will be returned promptly. Thank you!
PARISH QUIET DAY –Gerard Flynn will lead us in a Quiet Day with a theme of Celtic Spirituality (Some of you may remember Gerard speaking to us as gaelige at our St Patrick’s Day Service). We begin at 11am on Saturday November 15th. Coffee & Tea provided with Lunch as a bring & share event, finishing up at around 3pm. There is no charge for the day but please let the Rector know if you are coming so that we have some idea of numbers for Gerard. Thank you.
Come and Sing Choral Evensong! St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork, Saturday 15th November at 2pm. This is an RSCM event and as affiliates to the group, it is open to anyone in Carrigaline Union. The afternoon will be directed by Malcolm Wisener and will end with a sung Choral Evensong in the Cathedral at 4pm. The RSCM Ireland co-ordinator, Mark Bowyer, will look at some of the resources that are available for those involved in Church music. There is no charge for attending, however a contribution may be made towards the cost of refreshments. Contact Roger Ellis on 087 9607750 if you would like to attend.
MIDLETON COLLEGE ROTARY CLUB TEA PARTY- Adam Nuzum writes ‘We would be truly honoured to have your presence at our “Guess Coming To Tea” tea party. This is a charity fundraiser which is organised by the Irish Guide dogs and Age Action Ireland. The Midleton College Rotary Club will be hosting their own tea party on Tuesday 18th November from 16:00-17:30. It will take place in the College Assembly Hall and there will be live music provided by Cork Sound. Many students will also be serenading us with their instruments. There will be tea/coffee served as well as a cake sale and a raffle. All money collected will go to the above charities. It is a fundraising tea party mainly for people aged 30+ and it will be an enjoyable afternoon and we would like as many people to attend as possible. There is more information on’
Women’s Weekend, 21st- 23rd November, Garryvoe Hotel-a weekend to take some time out and enjoy. Booking forms at the back of the church. For more info talk to Hilary 086-3680513. For women of all ages.
CLIMATE JUSTICE EVENT in our Parish Hall on Friday November 7th. Prof John Sweeney will speak about the effects of Climate Change locally and Globally. We will receive our Eco Congregation Award on the night.
EARTH IN DISTRESS- Talks on Cosmology, Ecology & Christianity.A series of talks will be held in the Welcome English Centre in October/November. See poster in Church for more details or phone 086-3323658, email
Oct 29th Midweek Eucharist 10.30am St Mary’s
Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night 6 to 8pm Parish Hall
Nov 1st Reflective Service of Remembering 7pm St Mary’s
Nov 3rd Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.
Nov 5th Lectio Divinia 8pm Parish Hall
Nov 6th Junior Choir 6.30pm St Mary’s Church
Nov 7th Eco Congregation Seminar 7.30pm in Parish Hall.
Nov 9th Remembrance Day Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
Nov 13th Friendship Club meet in Drings at 11am
Nov 15th Quiet Day in Parish Hall, 11am till 3pm, Come & Sing in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 2pm
Nov 23rd Gift Day in the Rectory 12 till 4pm
Random Notes CXVIII
The “Roll of Honour” on the wall of St John’s Church is currently being re-framed. It will be re-dedicated at the Remembrance Day Choral Evensong on 9th November.
Although very much of it’s time, it is important that such things are protected and preserved for future generations. It reflects a part of our very local history and heritage.
Entitled “Your prayers are asked for those who have gone to serve our king and country by land and sea and air”, the document goes on to name those from Monkstown who served and died in both the First and Second World Wars.
Whilst being dismantled to be re-framed, behind the most recent roll of honour, was revealed a second document in a similar format. This simply lists those who were currently serving in the First World War. For me, this was incredibly poignant. When it would have originally been drawn up, between 1914 and 1918, no one would have known that three of those men listed would be killed in action. Their names would then be listed in the replacement roll of honour.
A different time, and different attitudes, but none-the-less, important to remember, reflect and hopefully learn.