Parish Notices Sunday 28th April 2013
The Rector writes ‘Good communication is so important in any sphere of life and especially so within a community. I know I really value this weekly Linksheet as a way of communicating with you all . If you have anything of interest that you would like to appear on the Linksheet, please do let Christine in the office know. The deadline for any inserts into the Linksheet is lunchtime on the Wednesday of each week. If you have something for the monthly Diocesan Magazine, the deadline is on 10th of the month. So if you or someone close to you has had a special birthday, or a new grandchild (or great-grandchild) has been born, or someone is engaged or married, or if there is anything else you are celebrating ,then please let us know. This week we are delighted to have the new Welcome Leaflets available at the back of the churches. I think they look both attractive and accessible and hopefully they will encourage people to dip into all of the different clubs and groups that we have within our parish union. Feel free to take and distribute these to anyone you think might be interested. Thank you to the Welcome Committee and to all those who helped in any way in the production of these useful and glossy guides.
TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB meet tomorrow Monday 29th April. Toddlers group from 10am-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.
JUNIOR CHOIR continues this Thursday 2nd May. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.
Our Parish/School Sponsored Walk takes place this morning after the service in St Mary’s. This year the Walk will also be part of the National Spring Clean Initiative run by An Taisce which fits in beautifully with our plans to become an Eco-Congregation and also with the School’s plan to gain a Green Flag. Please do support the day as it is an important Parish / School initiative and helps cement the ties we already enjoy with our parish school. Please do remember, it is very important to REGISTER in the hall BEFORE you begin the walk!
SUMMER FÊTE Tracey Pierce is organising a craft stall at this year’s Fête, (Saturday 1 June; put it in your diaries!). She is looking for wine bottle corks (not the plastic ones) to make various items from. Please save any you might have or use in the next few weeks and give them either to her, Eddie Pierce, the rector or the parish office by Sunday 19th May.
Men’s Shed All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Men’s Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road. See leaflets at back for further details.
Junior Heroes Holiday Bible Club! Forms are available in the office for this year’s Summer Holiday Club run jointly by Templebreedy and Carrigaline Parishes. July 22-26 from 10am-1pm in the Canon McCrea School Hall.
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK will be from 12th to 18th May this year and so our Sunday Services on 12th May will have a special retiring collection for the vital work of Christian Aid. There will be envelopes available on the day.
Carrigaline UnionFlower Festival-Pentecost, 17th, 18th & 19th May 2013.Theme- The Fruit of the Holy Spirit- a biblical term that sums up the nine visible attributes of a true Christian life, according to Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Plant Sale, Art Exhibition & Sale,Refreshments Marquee, Children’s Activity sheets. Monies raised in aid of Church funds and Cork Arc & Cancer Support House.
Safe Guarding Trust in Carrigaline Union-
The incumbent, select vestry and parish leaders are committed to uphold good practice in the parish’s ministry with children and young people.
Should you have a concern, suspicion or allegation regarding child welfare in the area of ministry to children in this parish please refer to the Safe Guarding Trust Posters which are displayed in each Church and Hall in this Union.
The Safe Guarding Trust Parish Panel members are:
The Revd Elaine Murray Tel 087 2363100
Rosemary Powell Tel. 087 2849865
The Revd Daniel Nuzum Tel 086 7714615
Apr 29th Toddlers plus One 10am-midday. Monday Club 3-5pm. St Mary’s Church Hall
May 2nd Junior Choir 6.30pm
May 11th MU/Youth Led Saturday Night Service 7pm St Mary’s Church
May 12th Christian Aid themed Services in both Churches
May 15th MU Afternoon Tea in the Rectory 3pm
May 17th Flower Festival Opening Service, 8.30pm St Mary’s Church.
May 19th Closing Service, 7.30pm Bishop Michael Burrows preaching.
May 31st Kilkenny Mothers’ Union group visiting the Rectory
June 1st Parish Fête in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline.
June 9th Sunday School Prize giving and Parish Picnic in Rectory
July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week.
Sept 29th United Service : Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am
Healing Service St John’s 7pm
Oct 13th St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am
The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.
St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm
The Revd John Ardis preaching
Random Notes LVI
Illustrated above is an interesting memento of a service held nearly forty years ago. On Thursday, 7th February 1974, the 150th anniversary of the licensing for Divine Service of St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline, 7th February 1824 was marked, early during the incumbency of Reverend Basil Wolfe McCrea (1921-2013).
The cover of the Order of Service bears a set of stamps issued in 1968 to commemorate the 800th anniversary of St. Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick, and was date-stamped at the Post Office of Carrigaline on the day the service was held.
In addition, the organist, Charles Herbert, (then the organist of Holy
Trinity, Christ Church, South Main Street, Cork) and the clergy who
participated in the service signed the cover; as follows from top to bottom:
Revd. Oliver Arthur Patrick Peare, Rector of Kinsale from 1966.
Revd. Canon Henry Josesph Packham, Rector of Douglas from 1960.
Revd. William Beare, Rector of Monkstown and Marmullane from 1968.
Right Revd. Richard Gordon Perdue, Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross from 1957.
Very Revd. Charles William Wolfe, Dean of Cashel, 1961 – 1973.
Ven. Arthur Charles Gill, Rector of Templebreedy from 1949, and Archdeacon of Cloyne from 1968.
Revd. Basil Wolfe McCrea, Rector of Carrigaline, Rector of Carrigaline, 1972 – 1990.
K.L.R & C.H.C.O.R