Parish Notices Sunday 28th October 2018

The Rector writes ‘November is traditionally the month when we remember those who have gone before us. Next Thursday 1st November, All Saints Day, we will have a special Reflective Service when we will remember those we knew who are now with God. This will be at 7:30pm in St Mary’s Church. All are welcome and particularly so if you have been recently bereaved or suffering a loss of any kind. On Sunday week,11th November there will as usual be a short Act of Remembrance at both morning Services but the main Remembrance Service will be the 7pm Choral Evensong in St John’s Church when we will give thanks for the sacrifice of so many and also to commemorate 100 years since the ending of the first World War , which was of course, supposed to be the war to end all wars. The fact that it didn’t shouldn’t take away from our gratitude to all those who died in the effort. As it is the exact 100th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that morning , the St Mary’s church bell will ring at 10:56, 10:57, 10:58 & 10:59 before we begin a 4 minute silence at 11am exactly, these series of ‘4’ echoing for each year of the terrible war.’

YOUTH GROUP  are looking for large BEAN BAGS to sit on!  If you happen to have one lying around that could do with a new lease of life then let Tracey know @ 087-3481864.

ST MARY’S SCHOOL  There is no access to the  St Mary’s School playground and school yard  during the week 29th October to 3rd November due to  resurfacing works, and thereafter, only in exceptional surfaces and with written permission from the Board of Management may vehicles drive on the newly resurfaced school yard. (This is the area beyond the chain of the car parking area).


THE Supper Theatre tickets are now on sale. Please get in touch with Olna Trotter to book your tickets. 087 9525969. Limited tickets are available for each night so get cracking if you want to see our  Drama Group along with Douglas Drama Group at this Fundraiser on 15th/16th/17th November.

Tickets can be collected and paid for in the Parish Office from Wednesday 7th November.€20 per ticket.

A huge thank you to all those  dedicated Thespians who are rehearsing like mad for the Plays,we are really looking forward to it……it should be a fabulous night Darling!



31st Oct           Holy Communion 10:30am   St Mary’s Church

1st Nov            Service of Remembrance 7:30pm St Mary’s Church

4th Nov            Peter Stobart will visit us at the 11am Service to help us learn how to sing Anglican Chant (Psalms and Canticles`)

5th Nov        Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.

Monday Club 3-5 Parish Hall.

11th Nov   Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong 7pm

St John’s Church

Youth Club. 7-9pm Parish Hall.

13th Nov    Mary Cowhig’s Poetry Book Launch

‘The Mongrel’s Lament’  7pm Public Library,


15th -17th Nov  Theatre Supper , Douglas, times tbc

1st-2nd Dec     Carrigaline Christmas Fayre (St Mary’s PA)

GAA Hall , Carrigaline

19th Dec            Parish Advent Film Night – The Nativity


Random Notes  No. CCLXXXIX

Belvelly Castle, a 13th century medieval tower house has recently been renovated by Garry & Anne Wilson. Located beside the only bridge on to the Great Island, it is one of the finest surviving

examples of such a property, with its battlements, mullioned windows, a murder hole and spiralled stone staircase.

Built in the 13th century for the Anglo Norman Hodnett family, it was taken over by the De La Roch (Roche) and De Barra (Barry) families in the 14th century. In the 1580’s Sir Walter Raleigh had it restored. The last occupant was Sir Peter Courthorpe until 1650, and prior to its current restoration, it had remained a ruin. Local tradition has it that during WW1, enterprising locals fooled

British & US soldiers, who were based in nearby Haulbowline

and Aghada, that this was in fact the famed Blarney Castle, and

extracted a fee for a guided tour of the famous Castle!!”


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on October 28, 2018

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