Parish Notices Sunday 29th July 2018
The Rector writes ‘I will be on holiday from Tuesday until the 26th August and I’d like to thank , in advance, all the clergy of Douglas Union with Frankfield for providing emergency pastoral cover during my absence (details will be provided in next week’s Linksheet or on the Rectory Answerphone). Thank you to Billy Skuse in the Diocesan Office who arranges Sunday Cover and also I would like to thank the Revd Edwin Hunter who will cover the first three Wednesday Services and the Revd Tony Murphy who will cover the final Wednesday Service (again details on Linksheet next week) I appreciate that I am very lucky to be able to take time off knowing that the parish is in such good capable hands. I hope to return refreshed to you on Sunday 26th August and then together we will face the Autumn!’
Open Wednesday & Friday mornings 9:15-12:15
Wednesday 1st August at 11.00am-Basher Bacon Puppet Show – all ages welcome
Thursday 2nd August at 11.30am-Cork Opera House presents The Wizard of Oz – A reading from the original book with The Wicked Witch of the West (two tickets to the show in the Opera House will be raffled at the event).
Where: Sheep’s Head Way, West Cork
When: 11.00am, Saturday 1 September 2018
It’s that time of year again – everyone’s favourite annual hiking event is back and it’s all systems go in preparation for the big event in West Cork.
The Sheep’s Head Way is one of the most remote parts of Ireland, well-known for its laid-back way of life, friendly people and breath-taking scenery. So whether you’re already an intrepid trekker or want to try it for the very first time, taking part in the Sheep’s Head Hike is a great way to raise money for our global neighbours and challenge yourself at the same time. The annual Sheep’s Head Hike has raised tens of thousands of pounds for our work to continue in communities throughout the world that are living in poverty.
Let’s set a challenge as we celebrate the hike’s 10th anniversary – let’s surpass all previous fundraising efforts!
Registration : To save time on the day, we encourage participants to pre-register however, on-the-day registration is available from 11am at Kilcrohane community Hall.
1st August Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
4th Sept Mothers’ Union Day out to Dunmanway 11am
11th Sept Friendship Club 11am Rectory
19th Sept Mothers’ Union Service 8pm St Mary’s Church
21st Sept Culture Night : Art Exhibition in Parish Hall
23rd Sept Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s Church
30th Sept United Harvest Service 11:15am St Mary’s Church
Preacher : Mr Keith Roberts
1st Oct Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
6th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
7th Oct United Harvest Service 11:15am St John’s Church
Preacher : The Revd Edwin Hunter
Random Notes No. CCLXXVIII
Illustrated above is, what was for the compiler of this note at least, a rather exciting re-discovery, made within the last week, of a portrait of the Revd. John Newman Lombard (1796-1855), Rector of Carrigaline and Douglas, from 1838-1855, together with a photograph of a large mural monument erected to his memory ‘by friends and parishioners’, within the Church of St Mary, Carrigaline, and his signature, copied from the parish vestry minute book.
A second monument to his memory is also to be found in St. Luke’s Church, Douglas.
The lithograph ‘by J. Newman & Co, 48 Watling Street, London’ is from either a drawing, or a painting, made by the Cork painter, Edward J. Harding (1804-1870), who in 1856, was listed in Slater’s Directory as being of 11, South Mall, Cork, and who is perhaps best remembered today for the attractive portrait miniatures that he produced. Beneath the portrait in this lithograph is the inscription ‘Rev. John N. Lombard, Rector of Carrigaline, Respectfully dedicated to his Parishioners and Friends, by their very obedient Servant, Robert L. Stopford’.
The significance of, and the reason for the dedication by the Cork landscape and marine painter Robert Lowe Stopford (1813-1898), who died at his home at 2, de Vesci Terrace,Monkstown on Wednesday, 2nd February, 1898, is alas, as yet unknown.