Parish Notices Sunday 29th March 2015
The Rector writes ’You are all welcome to our United Palm Sunday Service today. After the first Hymn and the Collect, those of us who can, will leave the church and walk down to the entrance of the Waterpark Estate where we will be met by parishioners of Our Lady & St John, there we will hear the Palm Sunday Gospel and together pray before returning to our own church to hear our young people read the Passion Gospel. (which is printed in this Linksheet)
As normal, we will continue our fellowship with refreshments after the Service. I look forward to seeing you at as many of next week’s services as you can go to! It is our ‘Week of Weeks’ and we will tell , in words, music and actions, the amazing story of the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord.
EASTER EGG COLLECTION box (made by the Sunday School) is at the back of St Mary’s Church. This is again for the Cuan Lee Women’s Refuge in Cork. The eggs will be delivered to the children after the service on Easter Sunday. Last year the children in the Refuge were absolutely delighted with their special Egg delivery.
Recipes please ! We need your favourite recipes for inclusion in a fundraising cookbook. Please supply your name and instructions for tastebud – tickling treats (anything under the sun, sweet or savoury, food or drinks, plain or fancy) to the collection box at the back of the churches. Any questions? Just ask Lesley Roberts (085 243 3920), Millie Kingston (086 809 1443) or Ingrid Glen (085 888 8044).
7 week Grief and Loss Support Programme. Starting Monday 27th April 8-10pm, in Our Lady & St John Parish Centre, Carrigaline. For further information and registration contact 4371109.
Scrap Metal Collection-For information call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000 A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website
30th March Monday of Holy Week:
10.30am H.C. St Mary’s Church, 7.30pm E.P. St John’s Church
31st March Tuesday of Holy Week:
10.30am H.C. St Mary’s Church, 7.30pm E.P. St John’s Church
1st April Wednesday of Holy Week:
10.30am H.C. St Mary’s Church, 7.30pm E.P. St John’s Church
2nd April Maundy Thursday:
7pm SEDER Meal in Parish Hall followed by Holy Communion.
3rd April Good Friday:
10.30am St John’s M.P. with Litany 7.30pm St Mary’s E.P. with Litany
4th April Easter Saturday:
9pm St Mary’s – Easter Vigil Service
5th April Easter Sunday:
Dawn Service, meeting at 6.45am at St John’s Church Monkstown, walking with the parishioners of the Church of the Sacred Heart to the Sea wall (Car Park) for the Ecumenical Service which will be followed by breakfast in the Gill Room.
9.30am St John’s – Easter Eucharist
11am St Mary’s – Easter Eucharist
April 12th Kilternan Church Choir singing at United Service
11am St Mary’s Church, Preacher : The Revd David Moynan
April 16th Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall
April 19th Confirmation Service 11am St John’s Church
May 2nd Kilkenny Youth Orchestra Concert, St Mary’s Church , details later.
May 17th Dawn Chorus, 4.30am Currabinny Woods
May 30th Summer Fete
June 8th Charting the Future Parish Meeting 7.30pm Parish Hall.