Parish notices Sunday 30th March 2014

The Rector writes ‘Mothering Sunday was traditionally the day in Lent when people would be encouraged to worship in their mother church, the main church of the parish or the cathedral church. Many people would make long journeys back ‘home’. This was years ago in the time when people would leave home to work in other houses, and it became a tradition that the house owner would give the servants the Sunday off to travel to their home church. This led to people returning home to their families and large family gatherings would happen.   Our modern understanding of celebrating mothers on this day is thought to have come from this tradition, as people returning home would often bring gifts of flowers for their mothers.

There is a retiring collection for the Mothers’ Union (MU) Charity Initiative ‘Make a Mother’s Day’  and so today as you remember your own mother, please help the MU to change the lives of people all over the world . These programmes aim to try and inspire disadvantaged mothers by giving them the skills and con?dence they need to achieve long-term sustainable change.’


LENTEN SERVICES  continue on Wednesdays. Our  7.30pm Evening Prayer Service in St Mary’s Church is followed by a Bible Study  in the Parish Hall.

LENTEN TALKS IN OUR LADY AND ST JOHN PARISH CENTRE 8pm Tuesday 1st April: ‘Lent, a time of healing’. Speaker: Sr. Eileen Browne ; 8pm Thursday 10th April: ‘The Cross and the Resurrection’. Speaker: Martina Lehane-Sheehan.

EASTER CLUB is happening again this Good Friday 18th April in the Parish Hall beside St. Mary’s Church 10 am until 1pm. The Club is for children of primary school age and those who will start school in September only.                Registration forms will be available in both churches and via email from the Parish Office. All children who would like to come must be registered beforehand as places will be limited for safety reasons. Contact the parish office 021-4374045 or the Rector at 087-2363100.

Licensing and Installation of the New Archdeacon-Our new Archdeacon, the Venerable Adrian Wilkinson  will be licensed by the Bishop and will be installed by the Dean and Chapter in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork today during Choral Evensong at 4 p.m.  This is an occasion of importance for all of us here in the Diocese.  The Bishop is keen to ensure that there is a wide representation present from every parish in the Diocese and so you are all invited and encouraged to attend.

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘STARSHIP DISCOVERY’ This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 21st—25th July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector immediately after Easter.

KRAFTI KIDZ SUMMER ARTS & CRAFTS CAMPS 14 – 18 July-St Mary’s NS, Waterpark, Carrigaline 10am-2pm.€90 per child.  Includes all art materials and baking ingredients. Does not include snack or lunch. Please call Nikki on 087 615 1986. Like us on



March 31st   Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall    Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

April 6th         Commissioning of the Lay Ministers of the Eucharist  at normal services of 9.30am in St Johns and 11am in St Mary’s.

April 13th      Palm Sunday, services at normal times.

April 14th – 16th Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week

10.30am Eucharist in St Mary’s

7.30pm Evening Prayer in St John’s

April 17th Maundy Thursday , Seder Meal 7pm Parish Hall

April 18th Good Friday

10.30am Morning Prayer in St John’s

‘Easter Holiday Club’ 10am to 1pm Parish Hall

7.30pm Evening Prayer in St Mary’s

April 19th Easter Saturday Vigil Service  9pm St Mary’s

April 20th Easter Sunday

Ecumenical Dawn Service 6am St John’s

Normal Sunday Eucharist Services at 9.30/11am

April 27th Parish Sponsored Walk 12am from Parish Hall

May 6th Easter Vestry, Annual General Meeting of Parish, 7.30pm in Parish Hall.

May 14th   Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Rectory 11am

May 31st Parish Fête

June 8th Pentecost Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s

Jun 15th Parish Picnic

Jun 21st St Nicholas’ Brass Band celebrating 150 years, will be performing at the Mid Summer Garden Party in St Mary’s Churchyard…. plus the Rector’s sponsored diet ends today (hooray!).

July 21st  – July 25th    Summer Holiday Club ‘Starship Discovery’


    Random  Notes No. XCI

Monkstown baths

St John’s Church, Monkstown was consecrated in 1832. This must have been an exciting period in the locality as houses and villas were being built all around Cork Harbour.

Six years later, early in summer 1838, advertisements were published in Cork newspapers announcing the opening of the Royal Victoria Monkstown and Passage Baths. “The hot baths are composed of pure marble, and the dressing rooms are fitted up in a style of great elegance, consisting of every comfort and luxury that can be required”. In the 1850’s an adjacent promenade and leisure garden were opened, where Victorian spectators were entertained by firework displays, tight rope dancing and vaulting dogs (among other attractions)!

Some years afterwards, another competing hydropathic establishment was opened at Carrigmahon House. The 1860’s were to be the glory days of these establishments however. Having been serviced by river steamers and trains from Cork, the extension of the railway line to Crosshaven marked their demise. The Royal Victoria Monkstown and Passage Baths passed from owner to owner and eventually closed it’s doors around the turn of the century.

Remaining in a ruinous condition for years, the site was purchased by Alec Day (Neptune Lodge) in the 1960’s. With wonderful foresight, he passed ownership to Passage West Town Council, with a caveat in the title that the property could only be used for recreational purposes. Instead of soul-less apartments built to the sole benefit of a now Spanish-resident bankrupt developer, this historical  riverside amenity is enjoyed by recreational walkers, footballers and fishermen. It is also a very welcome and pleasant place to sit down by the river and watch the ships pass by.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on March 31, 2014

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