Parish Notices Sunday 3rd November 2019
The Rector writes ‘Next week is Remembrance Sunday and we will have a short act of remembrance at both of the morning services with the main Service of Remembrance as normal at the 7pm Choral Evensong in St John’s Church. This evening Service is always a very moving liturgy with the wonderful Choir and the Last Post sounding out. Thankfully we now can remember all those who lost their lives in wars of the last century without fear of intimidation or judgement. If you have never yet attended a Choral Evensong over in St John’s Church , then I would heartily recommend next Sunday’s Service to you all. Roger Ellis and the Choir always put an amazing amount of work into their music and we are so lucky to have them in our midst. The trumpeter is Kevin O’Neill, our ‘4th Sunday of the month’ Organist from St Mary’s and we are delighted he will join us for Remembrance Sunday in St John’s again this year’
Christian Aid 2020 Calendars now available from John Sweeney in Monkstown. 10 euro each. A great way to support this worthy organisation!
Carrigaline Union & Douglas Union with Frankfield Drama are having another wonderful Theatre Supper event this November (28th, 29th & 30th November). Again held in the Canon Packham Hall in St Luke’s Douglas, this year’s plays are ‘A Secret Life’ by Harry Parsons and ‘The Music Lovers’ by George Feydeau . Tickets are now available from Madeleine Geary or Christine in the office .

The Annual Gift Day giving will take place this year as part of the normal morning Services on Sunday 24th November
CDYC Youth News The Great Escape & Shopping Trip, Cork City 9th November. This year instead of the usual CDYC Annual Soccer Tournament we are holding a team building exercise day! Do you think you are good at games and love a challenge? Work together in teams in a close environment to solve problems and puzzles in order to make your way out!!! Loads of fun and possibly time for a bit of early Christmas shopping too! COST: €25pp. Further details and booking form available on or speak to the youth leaders! (Hilda Connelly, Diocesan Youth Officer)
Anam Cara Cork the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on 6th November at 7:20pm in The Clayton Hotel, Cork City. This is a free event and open to all bereaved parents. For more information, see or call their Information Line on 085 2888 888.
Musical Notes
The hymn “There’s a wideness in God’s mercy” is sung to a melody written by John Stainer (1840-1901) for his cantata The Crucifixion. Stainer was organist of St. Paul’s Cathedral (1872-88) and Professor of Music at Oxford (1889-1899). He was a prolific writer of hymn tunes as well as an arranger of carols. We look forward to enjoying his harmonisations of “The First Nowell” and “God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen” during the Christmas season.

4th Nov Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
6th Nov Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
9th Nov CDYC Youth Trip
13th Nov Faith in Action Information Evening 7:30pm Parish Hall
20th Nov Mother’s Union 8pm Parish Hall
24th Nov Gift Day 9:30 and 11am Services
24th Nov Installation of Canon Elaine 3:30pm in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral
22nd-24th Nov Mother’s Union Weekend Away Garryvoe Hotel
28th-30th Nov Theatre Supper Nights in Canon Packham Hall
Random Notes CCCXXI

One evening during the summer, about 9.45 in the evening I was sat watching television in my front room, when I heard music coming from outside. I live in a small, very quiet cul-de-sac in Rushbrooke, so to hear live music is quite unusual. There was a distinct rhythm, a keyboard of some sort and singing. I opened the front door, to find what can best be described as a children’s “pop-up-band” playing on the footpath! There are a handful of kids aged 6-10 in the cul-de-sac, who usually ride their bikes around and chase each other with sticks etc.. and they proudly explained to me and some other neighbours who had come to listen that they wanted to create their own band! We applauded them after their performance and they were probably called in to home then, as it was getting dark. The next day I received a small piece of paper in the front door (pictured below) explaining more about the idea. Some of the spelling and grammar is quite childish, but it reads
“Paridise gangsters group band” .. some names, then “Amazing people…Adults and people already watching…come and see”.
How wonderful to see that not all children have their heads stuck in I-pads and phones all day!
This group of youngsters were displaying creativity and showing pride in the street where they will no doubt have lasting childhood memories.
Well done to the “Paridise Gangsters Group Band”!!!!!