Parish Notices Sunday 4th October 2015
The Rector writes ‘Today, 4th October, is the day that St Francis of Assisi is remembered throughout the world, a man who lived very much in tune with nature and with all of God’s creatures. Indeed this is why we have our Animal Blessing Service on the nearest All Age Service to this date.
And today, on his feast day, in our old friend Fr. Bertie’s Ballineaspaig Parish (Dennehy’s Cross), they will be receiving an EcoCongregation Award just as we did back in November 2014. We are delighted for them and congratulate them on the effort involved in achieving this. Hazel and Jonathan Fleury will be representing our parish at the Mass where the award will be made in the npresence of the Lord Mayor of Cork’
Some of the Gravestones behind St Mary’s Church have been deemed unstable by our Health & Safety team and are marked with red and white Hazard Tape while the County Council address the problem. Please do not let your children play near these gravestones. Thank you.
Carrigaline union Harvest Supper-Saturday 10th October at 7.30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. All Welcome. Ticket 15 euro includes supper and dancing. Contact Henry Forbes 0872035000 or Adrian Bateman 0868300379 for tickets or the Parish Office.
Monkstown Homegroup meets on Tuesday 6th October at 8pm at John Sweeney’s home Suiamhneas, Upper Ardmore, Passage West. All welcome
Women’s weekend. ‘Family matters’ will be a weekend of fun, refreshment and relaxation with speaker Bishop Richard Henderson. 13-15 November, Garryvoe Hotel, Castlemartyr. All (women!) welcome. Booking Forms available from the back of the church or from Hilary Dring. 086-3680513.
Life after Separation/Divorce; A course for those coming through troubled relationships who have either separated or divorced in the recent past will take place in a private but friendly setting in the Carrigaline Court Hotel. This course will be run in Dublin also by two other relationship counsellors, who are on the C. of I. Marriage Council, based in Church of Ireland House, Dublin. The course will start in early October and be run over 4 Thursday evenings. Please contact Deirdre Whitley (M.R.C.S. Cert. H.Dip. Couns.)If you have any queries, or would like to meet to discuss contact her on 0862612442 or email
GRIEF AND LOSS SUPPORT. An 8 week programme starts Monday 5th October at Our Lady & John Parish Centre, Carrigaline. Tel 4371109 for further information.
CLEANER REQUIRED St. Mary’s National School requires a cleaner for 5 days a week ,3 hours a day 2.30-5.30p.m. Monday to Friday. To apply, please send CV to Principal, St. Mary’s N.S. Waterpark, Carrigaline.
Youth club News! Friday 18 September. “Youth club started at 7pm (as always). Kristin Hollowell the youth officer for Cork was there, along with Peter and the fantastic Tracy and Brenda!! Also there were Kyle, Kya, Jonathan, Alex, Oriel and Becky. The night was Rugby World Cup themed with Fiji vs. England. Fiji utterly destroyed England in a variety of balloon and music themed games. Then Kristin told us about the upcoming CDYC events and we had a discussion about the refugees in Syria and the homeless in Cork. Tracy also resolved to use the hot air popcorn maker next meeting. “(Kyle Meiklejohn)
Flowerpots needed! Hazel Fleury is looking for Flowerpots. If you have any spare ones lying around, especially 5 inch and larger then please let her know! 086-8157821
6th October Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
Monkstown Home Group 8pm John Sweeney’s home.
8th October Friendship Club 11am Rectory
10th October Harvest Supper & Dance 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall
16th October Youth Club 7pm – 9pm Parish Hall
21st October Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall
25th October Rector preaching 11.15 Harvest Mass, Our Lady & St John
28th October Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
29th October Children’s Movie Night 6pm Parish Hall
30th October CAMEO Monkstown Bay Sailing Club 10.3 to 12
1st Nov Reflective Service for All Saints Day 7pm St Mary’s
21st Nov Parish Quiet Day 11am – 3pm, Parish Hall.
22nd Nov Gift Day in Rectory 12 – 3pm.
29th Nov United Service 11am St Mary’s Carrigaline
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s Monkstown
Random Notes CXLXVI
A collection of the signatures of some eleven curates that served in the Parish of Carrigaline, for a period of over forty years, from 1830 to 1872, as they appear in the book recording minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry.
Reading from the top of the page, the clergy are as follows:
Revd. John Johnson (1830-1837), Curate from 1830 to 1837
Revd. Alexander Latimer Waring (c.1830-1891), Curate, 1870-!871
Revd. Henry Joseph Woodroofe ( -189), Curate, 1839-1846
Revd. William Charles Walker (c.1811-1899), Curate, 1847-1849
Revd. Charles J. McCormick, ( – ), Curate, 1850-1852
Revd. Edward Henry Newenham (1817-1892), Curate, 1853-1855
Revd. Henry Thomas Wilmot ((1831-1872), Curate, 1855-1860
Revd. William Sherlock (1836-19 ), Curate, 1861-1863
Revd. Charles Maunsell Benson (1840-1917), Curate, 1863-1865
Revd. Thomas Gloster (1831-1882), Curate, 1865-1868
Revd. Decre Hamilton Powell (1843-1912), Curate, 1869