Parish Notices Sunday 4th September 2016


The Rector writes  ‘Some of you may remember when the Revd David Moynan and his Curate Cathy came to talk to us about their experiences with the Leprosy Mission in India? At that time they handed out some pottery ‘Piggy Banks’ . I had almost completely forgotten about them until one of them recently found his way home to me,  well stuffed with lots of money. Can I ask those of you who still have these pigs to return them to me and I will organise to send the money on to the Leprosy Mission.

I already have a new home for the first Little Piggy that came home and will pass on Piggys to other families as they come in and in that way we will keep it going. The Leprosy Mission have for the last 140 been doing amazing work with some of the most marginalised peoples in the developing world and really deserve our support’

Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be environmentally friendly at the same time! For more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.

ST MARY’S INDOOR BOWLS CLUB reopens on Tuesday 6th September at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087-6100717 or Henry Forbes 087-2035000.

COME AND SING St Fin Barre’s Cathedral will be hosting a Come and Sing Choral Evensong on Saturday 17th September. Singers from across the diocese are encouraged to support this event and all abilities are most welcome! There will be a rehearsal at 2pm and the service itself is at 5pm. Tea and coffee will be served at 4.15pm. Music will be provided and will includes John Rutter’s                      beautiful  anthem ‘The Lord bless you and keep you’. Contact Peter Stobart at the cathedral on for more information.

MEALS ON WHEELS is a service available to anyone in need, housebound,  anyone after a hospital stay, etc.  If you feel you would like this service, please contact Carrigaline Daycare Centre on 021-4373730. It is available Monday,  Wednesday and Friday, 3 course meal, €4 per day. You can have it delivered to your house or come to the centre to enjoy your meal. There is no age restriction.

Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork Support Group will meet on Tuesday 6th September at 8pm in the SMA CENTRE Wilton. It will be an information evening with questions and  answers plus dietician in attendance.

AUTUMN FAIR in the Grounds of St Lappan’s Church Little Island Saturday 10th September At 2.00 pm Plant/Garden Produce Stall Cake Stall “Bric a Brac” Stall Children’s Corner Teas In Aid of The Church Restoration Fund

CORK AUTISM CONFERENCE takes place on October 9th at the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork from 9am until 4.30pm. In this conference 5 highly respected medical practitioners and specialists in autism and aspergers syndrome share valuable resources for your child, family member, friend, student or yourself. You can avail of a special special early bird rate of only €49 until September, 18th. Find out more details here: or call Micheál on 0861719311.

Anam Cara, the national organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 7th of September from 19:30 to 21:00 in Brú Columbanus, Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork.). This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the  circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.

Cork Girls’ Brigade are organizing a Reunion on Sunday 23rd October from 3 – 5pm.Where: Trinity Presbyterian Hall, Little William Street, off York Street. The reunion is for all ex members of the 1st and 2nd Cork Company G.B. Please bring something light to eat for sharing as well as any old memorabilia and photos.



5th September    Toddlers plus One 10am

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

11th September    Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s  Church

Preacher: Fr. Sean O’Sullivan PP  

15th September   Friendship Club 11am Rectory

16th September    Youth Club 7 to 9pm Parish Hall

21st September    Mothers’ Union Service 8pm St Mary’s Church

25th September  Blessing of the Animals Service 11am St Mary’s

8th October  Harvest Supper & Dance 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall

9th October  Harvest Thanksgiving Services:

                 11am St Mary’s Church, Preacher: The Revd John Tanner

                 7pm  St John’s Church, Preacher: The Revd David Bowles


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 5, 2016

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