Parish Notices Sunday 6th July 2014
The Rector writes: ‘’Some of the words from the Gospel today are very familiar to us ‘’Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light’ and yet what does this really mean to us? The Lectio Divinia Group which meets monthly in the Parish Hall (on first Wednesdays in the month) grappled with the idea of a ‘Yoke’ . There were many ideas around what Jesus had meant by a Yoke. One of our reference books suggested that ‘Yoke’ was another word for the ‘Mosaic Law’ , laws that the ordinary people of the day were daily struggling to keep, and that the ‘Yoke of Jesus’ was an altogether lighter object, stripped down of some of the finickity laws that were not actually essential to our living authentically. Someone had the lovely visual idea of Jesus walking beside us under the traditional Yoke which was used for Oxen and which is pictured inside the Linksheet, the idea being of the burden shared. One thing is sure , these words seem to have burned their way into many of our hearts and we indeed find rest for our souls in the remembering of them. ‘
TEA & COFFEE in the Parish Hall after 11am Service in St Mary’s Church.
SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘STARSHIP DISCOVERY’-This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 21st—25th July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.
CALLING ALL PARISHIONERS: Can you save your empty Plastic Bottles and your Toilet Roll/Kitchen Roll cardboard middles for use as crafts in the Holiday Club? Just leave them with the Rector or Christine in the Office. Also we would love some homebaking on the week of the Holiday Club to feed the hungry teen leaders (who tend to eat voraciously!) Thanks!
TODDLERS PLUS ONE Group will continue during the summer but it still remains a group for toddlers only. Unfortunately school going children can’t come along as there as too many little ones in the group.
MONDAY CLUB still continues during the summer. All are welcome to drop into the Parish Hall from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays.
FUNDRAISER for our Neighbours in Templebreedy-Please join us for wine and cheese July 20 from 6 – 9 PM and share the bounty from your garden, your home oven, your larder (jellies, jams and cordials), your wine cellar for our honesty marquee You are most welcome Joyce and George Gleasure Pine View House,Knockleigh, Belgooly Directions 087 231 3351
The latest book chosen by the group is ‘ The Shadow of The Galilean’ by Gerd Theissen. The book takes the reader to the historical setting of 1st Century Palestine and depicts various aspects through the eyes of a fictional character. This main character, who is also a Galilean Jew, makes observations on the current political and social agendas as he unintentionally becomes submerged in the subjection of these movements. A great and accessible read that really makes the people of the New Testament world more three dimensional . We will meet in the Rectory on 29th September to discuss so you have plenty of time to read the book. All are welcome.
July 7th Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.
July 21st – July 25th Summer Holiday Club ‘Starship Discovery’
Sept 3rd Lectio Divinia 8pm Parish Hall
Sept 5th Parish BBQ
Random Notes No. CIII
The main entrance gates to St John’s Church, Monkstown have recently been very tenderly and skilfully restored and years of paint removed. Now we can clearly see that the maker of the gates was “Perrott Cork”. In 1800, “The Hive Foundry” was founded by Thomas Addison Barnes and was situated where the new labour exchange is located near Hanover Street. In 1815, Richard Perrott from Bandon, controversially married the then 15 year old daughter of Thomas Barnes – Hannah Mary Barnes and by 1819 had his foot in the door of this successful foundry. With 12 children of their own, by 1843 the foundry was known as “Richard Perrott and Sons”. The firm peaked in 1860 when the firm employed close on 300 staff. Outside of Belfast, it was the biggest foundry in Ireland and they produced turbines, waterwheels, agricultural implements as well as pillars and shafts used in the construction industry. They even exported silk dressing machines to Australia.
“Perrott Avenue” is located close to UCC and the family are still in Cork. Part of the Perrott coat-of-arms is a Lion and in 1845 Richard Perrott commissioned an iron statue to enhance his factory in Hanover Street. This can still be clearly, and proudly displayed above the new labour exchange.
Yet another example of local history adorning the lovely Church of St John’s!