Parish Notices Sunday 8th March 2015

The Rector Writes ‘ We bid a fond farewell to our Diocesan Secretary as the Diocese marks the retirement of Mr Wilfred Baker, after Evensong in Saint Luke’s Church, Douglas, Cork on Friday, 27th March, 2015 at 8 p.m. The Bishop hopes that there will be a good attendance and representation from every parish in the Diocese. 

On a personal note, I know I will miss having Wilfred’s friendly presence on the other end of an email or phone call when the need arose.

In saying that , I was delighted to hear of the appointment of Mr Billy Skuse as Wilfred’s successor. I know that Billy is known to many of you especially with his connection to Bandon Grammar. I hope he will be very happy in his new position. ‘

Please note that the Diocesan Office will be closed to the public and to telephone callers, in order to facilitate a busy schedule of work in anticipation of the retirement of the Diocesan Secretary, from Tuesday evening, 24th March until Tuesday morning, 7th April. Contact for essential business may continue to be made by email and post.

Monkstown Chamber Choir  will sing Choral Evensong with a Celtic theme in St John’s Church tonight at 7pm, Being close to St  Patrick’s Day, we will sing as a congregational hymn “St Patrick’s Breastplate” by Charles Villers Stanford. The anthem will be “The Deer’s Cry” by Shaun Davey. These two contrasting pieces of old and modern Irish music are worth coming to listen to, if not to enjoy the beauty that is the ancient Anglican tradition of Choral Evensong, which is upheld in your local church!

We are still  running the Scrap Metal Collection to raise funds for the Parish.  So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect it from your home or business.  For information on where to drop off or if you need it collected Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000 . A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website

FAMILY BINGO NIGHT, St. Mary’s NS, Waterpark on Friday 13th March at 7pm. Doors open 6.30pm. Raffle & Refreshments. This is a fundraiser for School funds and is being organised by the teachers. All Welcome. Enquiries to 021-4371995.

Mother’s Union-Pampering Day. Saturday 14th March at 2pm. Trident Hotel Kinsale. See fliers for details or contact Jennifer Kingston on 086-3236641

Templebreedy Parish Fundraising Lunch  3-course lunch at Carrigaline Court Hotel, Friday 20th March, 12 noon for 12.30 p.m.  Tickets €35 from the Templebreedy Parish Office, tel.: 021 4831236.  Everyone welcome.

Whist drive– in aid of baby Noah Drake-Brennan. St Mary’s School Waterpark. Saturday 21 March at 8.30pm.  Admission €5. Raffle, Prizes Galore. Donations gratefully received. Contact Henry Forbes 087-2035000. See more information on


                   NEXT   WEEK


March 9th Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 – 5pm Parish Hall

March 11th Eucharist Service 10.30am

                  Evening prayer 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall

March 12th Friendship Club 11am Rectory

March 13th School Fundraiser Bingo Night 7pm

March 14th Mother’s Union Pampering Day. 2pm Trident Hotel, Kinsale



March 16th St Patrick’s Eve Service as Gaeilge 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

March 17th St Patrick’s Day Eucharist Service 10.30am St Mary’s Church

March 18th Evening Prayer 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall

March 25th Midweek Eucharist incorporating MU Lady Day prayers 10.30am  St Mary’s Church

followed by coffee  in the Rectory

April 12th Kilternan Church Choir singing at United Service 11am St Mary’s Church

April 16th Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall

April 19th  Confirmation Service 11am  St John’s Church

May 17th Dawn Chorus, 4.30am Currabinny Woods

May 30th   Summer Fete


Random Notes CXXXIIIV

This year University College Cork marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of George Boole. Boole, who came from the English cathedral city of Lincoln, was UCC’s first Professor of Mathematics. As a child he was a quick study and taught himself Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian and algebra before leaving school.

At the age of 16, he undertook to teach himself mathematics and had started to publish in 1831, ten years later. He was appointed Professor of Mathematics in Queen’s College in 1849, at the relatively young age of 34. In 1855, he married Mary Everest. The Boole family lived initially in College View on Sunday’s Well Road, before moving to Blackrock. From there he was able to take a train to work each day.

While in Queen’s College, Boole published, “An Investigation of the Laws of Thought on which are founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities.” This hugely influential work is still in print today – the original can be seen in UCC’s Boole Library if you ask nicely! One of Boole’s other major works was on Differential Equations.

Of course Boole also lectured in Queen’s College and it is this that led to his untimely death. One day he walked two miles in the pouring rain to a lecture and then proceeded to teach despite his clothes being soaked. Never in the best of health, he promptly fell ill. Mary, believing that one should be treated with the same thing that made one sick, put him to bed and surrounded him with cold wet towels and sheets. Boole eventually succumbed to a lung infection and died at the age of 49. He is buried in our                   neighbouring parish of Blackrock.

Boole’s legacy lives on: I am typing this on a machine whose operations are described by Boolean Algebra. Boole’s Laws of Thought attempted to bring mathematical rigour to philosophy and reasoning. He devised an algebra which could be used to formulate the logic (and truth or falsehood) of statements and arguments. In 1937 an engineer called Claude Shannon realised that Boolean Algebra was perfect for describing the operation of electrical switches. Shannon’s breakthrough meant that computers, built of large assemblages of interconnected switches to represent the binary digits 0 and 1, could be precisely described using mathematics.

As technology progressed from electromechanical switches, to thermionic valves, to transistors and ultimately integrated circuits, we now have computers with processors containing five billion switching circuits – all governed by Boolean logic – on a single microchip. Did Boole have any inkling of the implications of his Laws of Thought? Possibly: His widow, Mary, notes that Boole had met and corresponded with Charles Babbage, whose Analytical Engine was the first attempt at a large mechanical calculator. This, along with another invention by William Stanley Jevons, caused Boole to speculate on the possibility of using a machine for calculation and reasoning.

It is interesting to note that Boole had originally thought to become a Church of England clergyman. However, his views changed and he eventually became a Unitarian.Apparently he had become disenchanted with mainstream Christianity and had also been chastised for doing mathematics on a Sunday!



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on March 9, 2015

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