Parish Notices Sunday 9th February 2014

The Rector writes- ‘Thank you to everyone who continues to pop the odd bits & pieces into the baskets at the back of the churches for Penny Dinners, Cork Simon and Cuanlee Women’s Refuge. We made another trip into them a couple of weeks ago which was our second trip since the initiative began before Christmas and we are nearly at the stage to go again so well done! They are really very grateful for the help given by our parish and touched that we are still thinking of them and collecting through the year. The children in our Parish School will be bringing in an item for Cork Penny Dinners next week in the run-up to St Valentine’s Day. This is to help them understand that there is more to ‘Love’ than cards, flowers and chocolate!  Loving your neighbour comes high on the list of things that Jesus asked us to try and do (and our reading from Isaiah puts it up to us today!). When we think about how we can be the Salt & Light spoken about in our Gospel today, we sometimes wonder what if anything can we accomplish in our own time and place? Well I think we can do a lot and already are doing a lot! Every time you help out someone else you are witnessing to the love of Christ in your own life and you are spreading the Word without saying a word!  Have a blessed and loving St Valentine’s Day’

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall.

SONGS OF PRAISE tonight in St John’s Monkstown at 7pm . Come along to see which hymns have won the honour of being sung by choir and congregation.

Parenting Group 6 Week course starting Tuesday 25th February at 8pm in the Parish Hall. It will be for parents of children up to age 11 years approx. Fliers at the back of the church of via email. Please contact Hilary on 086-3680513 or ASAP if you are interested. It will only run if the group is big enough.

Parish Table Quiz. 8.30pm Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Waterpark,  Carrigaline.  Friday 21st February at 8.30pm. €10per person. €40 per table.  Refreshments. Raffle. Great fun to be had. All proceeds in aid of Parish funds. All sponsorship, prizes or donations to the raffle greatly appreciated! Contact Adrian Bateman for further information 086 8300379.

Mother’s Union—Famine Lunch following the 11am Service in St Mary’s. Soup and rolls will be provided in the Parish Hall.  In lieu of what you might spend on Sunday lunch all donations will go towards MU Overseas/Relief fund.

St Luke’s Home Education Centre- Evening courses will be taking place in Mindfulness (6 Tuesdays from 4th February), Addressing Loss (6 Wednesdays from 19th February) and Basic Listening Skills ( 4 Thursdays from 6th March) The courses run from 7:30 – 9:30pm. A Saturday Morning Introduction to Mindfulness will take place on 25th January from 10:00am – 1:00pm. Please contact Claire at 021.4536551 for further details.

The Senior youth club travelled to Bandon to join up with the UCY youth group (Bandon Parish) and had a great night. The leaders arranged games, a quiz, videos, pizzas, snacks and more and over 20 young people really enjoyed themselves. Many thanks to Olivia, Jean, Jennifer, Amy and the other UCY leaders for their hospitality and to all of their club members for making us all so welcome– thank you also to Conor for his help with games and Brenda for being a designated driver for the night.

NEW  WINE CORK SPRING GATHERING-The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney, Co Cork. Thursday 20th to Saturday  22nd March.

Worship, Bible Teaching & Ministry-Thursday 20th & Friday 21st @ 8pm

Worship, Bible Teaching, Seminars & Ministry- Saturday 22nd from 10am to 1pm

Seminars to be confirmed. Further information from: Canon Ian Jonas 4871106

ARCHDEACON’S FAREWELL-Our farewell to the Venerable Robin Bantry-White as Archdeacon will take place in the Church of St Luke, Douglas on Thursday, 27th February 2014 at 8 p.m.  All are welcome and Clergy and Readers are invited to robe. We wish Robin and Faith all the best in the new phase of their life in Paulstown, Kilkenny. He has been a remarkably successful and much loved Rector, Archdeacon and Hospital  Chaplain and he will be very much missed in Cork, Cloyne & Ross.



Feb 9th          Songs of Praise Evensong 7pm St John’s

Feb 10th        Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall

Feb 17th        Annual Review of Vestry Register 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. All welcome.

Feb 20th Children’s Movie Night 6-8pm Parish Hall

Feb 21st Parish Table Quiz. 8.30pm Canon McCrea Hall

Feb 23rd MU Famine Lunch after service in St Mary’s.

Feb 28th MU Candelit dinner in the Rectory 8pm

Mar 1st  Preparation for Confirmation Morning with Bishop in Douglas

Mar 5th Ash Wednesday, Lent begins, Evening Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm each Wednesday evening

Mar 7th World Day of Prayer Service in Our Lady & St John’s   8pm

Mar 16th  St Patrick’s Eve Service as Gaelige 7pm St Mary’s

April 13th – 10th    Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter Sunday

May 6th Easter Vestry, Annual General Meeting of Parish, 7.30pm in Parish Hall.

May 14th   Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Rectory 11am

May 31st Parish Fête

June 8th Pentecost Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s

Jun 15th Parish Picnic

Jun 21st St Nicholas’ Brass Band celebrating 150 years, will be performing at the Mid Summer Garden Party in St Mary’s Churchyard…. plus the Rector’s sponsored diet ends today (hooray!).

July 21st  – July 25th    Summer Holiday Club ‘Starship Discovery’




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 10, 2014

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